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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT11 基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项基金项目( CARS-11-B-20) 作者简介:戴起伟( 1955-) ,男,江苏扬州人,硕士,研究员,主要从事甘薯产业技术经济研究。( Tel) 025 ( E-mail) dqw00001@126.com 我国甘薯产品消费结构与国内外市场贸易分析 戴起伟1 钮福祥2 孙健2 曹静1 1江苏省农业科学院农业经济与信息研究所,江苏南京210014 2江苏徐淮地区徐州农业科学研究所/中国农业科学院甘薯研究所,江苏徐州221121; 摘要:近年来我国甘薯产后淀粉加工比例达到70%-80%,城镇居民食用鲜薯及其淀粉制品2000万吨左右,人均年消费量约2公斤。国内甘薯淀粉市场主要竞争因素为玉米淀粉、马铃薯淀粉和木薯淀粉对于低端甘薯淀粉的替代作用趋于明显。我国甘薯对外贸易在1965-1980年间为起步阶段,平均每年出口4918.8吨,金额102.4万美元。1985-1994年为高峰阶段,平均每年出口48.68万吨,金额5476.18万美元,出口国主要有欧盟国家、美国、俄罗斯、东盟国家、我国台湾与港澳地区等。自1995年后的近20年来我国甘薯出口急剧下降,2004-2013年,平均每年仅为2.37万吨,出口金额1002.6万美元,其主要原因为欧盟国家进口量的大量调减。近年来我国甘薯淀粉以出口韩国、日本、泰国和美国为主,目前甘薯淀粉制品国内外市场需求量仍然很大,前景良好。 关键词:甘薯;甘薯消费;甘薯贸易 The analysis of sweet potato products consumer demand and market at home and abroad trade Dai Qiwei1,Niu Fuxiang2,Sun Jian2 and Cao Jing1 1 Institute of agricultural economy and information, Jiangsu academy of agricultural sciences, Nanjing, China, 210014 2 Institute of Xuzhou agricultural science of Xu Huai area/ Sweet potato Institute of Chinese academy of agricultural sciences, Xuzhou, China,221121; Abstract:The main competitive factors for sweet potato in domestic market are corn, potato and cassava starch tending a replacement effects that is to be more obvious in recent years. The foreign trade of sweet potato of China in 1965-1980 as the start stage, exported 4918.8 tons per year on average, with amount of $1.024 million. There was a peak period from 1985 to 1994, the average annual output 486800 tons, with amount of $54.7618 million, the main exporters were the Eu countries, the United States, Russia, Asian countries and Chinas Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao regions, etc. Since 1995 the sweet potato exports fell sharply in the past 20 years, only 23700 tons per year on average with export amount of $10.026 million in 2004-2013 Due to the Eu countries imports large scale down. Sweet potato starch produced of China in recent years mainly exported to South Korea, Japan, Thailand and the United States, of wh


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