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最简单最有用的180英语口语四字短语1-101.Sorry, were sold out. 对不起,卖完了。2.Is this seat taken? 这位子有人吗?3.How about a drink? 去喝一杯怎么样?4.I need a drink. 我想去喝一杯。5.I have a secret. 我有一个秘密。6.Can I help you? 有事吗? *直译是“我可以帮助你7.Jane is on TV.Jane上电视了。8.Whose idea is it? 这是谁的主意? 9.Over my dead body! 绝不允许! 10.Thats fine with me. 我觉得那样很好。11-2011.Please scrub the sink.把厨房的池子洗干净。12.Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地。13.Ill fill you in. 我把一切告诉你。14.Ill level with you. 我就直说吧。15.Its a little hard.有点儿难哦。16.Ive lost my wallet. 我的钱包丢了17.What are you doing? 你干什么呢? 18.Ill dry the dishes. 我擦盘子。19.I didnt say anything. 我什么都没说。20.Ill be glad to. 乐意为您效劳。21-3021.The water is boiling! 水开啦!22.Please turn it down. 请关小点儿声。23.Do you have time? 你有空儿吗? 24.How about this one? 这个怎么样? 25.Lets call in sick. 我们打电话请个病假吧! 26.I have an idea. 我有个主意。27.Wont you join us? 你也一起来吧? 28.Just think about it. 你好好想想看。29.No, I was awake. 没有,还没睡呢。30.Where are the snacks? 点心在哪儿?31-4031.The bath is ready.洗澡水烧好了。32.Where are you headed? 去哪儿? 33.I have a confession. 我有件事要坦白。34.Please sweep the floor. 把地扫扫。35.Make yourself at home. 就像在自己家一样36.Clean up your room. 把你的屋子收拾收拾。37.Do you dream often?你常做梦吗? 38.Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗?39.You finally got up. 你终于起来了。40.I dont think so. 我想不行。41-5041Let me see it. 让我看看。42.May I come in? 我可以进来吗?43.This is for you. 这是送给你的。44.If you say so. 如果你说是的话,那就是吧。45.I hope youre right. 但愿是这样。46.Ill think about it. 我考虑考虑吧。47.I dont feel well. 我觉得难受。48.My eyes are tired.我眼睛发酸。49.I had no choice. 我别无选择。50.Its not your fault. 这不是你的错。51-6051.Did you make up? 和好了吗? 52.Try to get along. 你俩要好好相处。53.Im sorry about that. 那件事真对不起。54.I didnt mean that. 我并没有那个意思。55.Thanks for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我。56.I cant buy that! 我无法相信。57.That makes no sense. 那也太没道理了。58.How can that be? 怎么可能呢? 59.Get your hands off! 拿开你的手! 60.You should watch out! 你得留神!61-7061.May I sit here? 我可以坐这儿吗? 62.Its up to you. 随你吧。63.That would be great. 那太好了。64.You can do it! 你可以的! 65.Dont be a chicken. 别害怕。66.Run for your lives!快逃吧! 67.You listen to me!照我说的去做! 68.You sho


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