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智课网GRE 备考资料
Exercise 7
Hydrogeology is a science dealing with the properties, 1. It can be inferred that which of the following
distribution, and circulation of water on the surface of the is most likely to be the subject of study by a
land, in the soil and underlying rocks, and geohydrologist?
Line in the atmosphere. The term ―geohydrology‖ is (A) Soft, porous rock being worn away by a
5 sometimes erroneously used as a synonym for waterfall
―hydrogeology.‖ Geohydrology is concerned with (B) Water depositing minerals on the banks of a
underground water. There are many formations that gorge through which the water runs
contain water but are not part of the hydrologic cycle (C) The trapping of water in a sealed
because of geologic changes that have isolated them underground rock cavern through the action
10 underground. These systems are properly termed of an earthquake
geohydrologic but not hydrogeologic. Only when a (D) Water becoming unfit to drink through the
system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that release of pollutants into it from a
associate the water within it with the hydrologic cycle manufacturing plant
may the entire system properly be termed hydrogeologic. (E) The changing course of a river channel as
(107 words) the action of the water wears away the rocks
past which the river flows
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