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2朋年 9 月 机械科学与技术 scμember 2∞s 3再 27 卷,再9 期 Mcchanical Scienee and T,臼h回logy (0 Aer回归饵Enin饵ring Vo1. 27 No.9 锻压变形工艺参数对锻模模膛充填性的研究 张会 {陕西理工学院,仅中明朋〉 张会 摘 要:针对锻模模肢元填困难的特点.以 2A12 铝合金为研究对象,以非萨斜摸锻后的元填~1量为 控制目标,采用有限元敛位模拟和』量拟试验相结令的方法,模拟模镶边程,分析坯斜的变形行为.讨 伦温度、应变、应变这牟等的交化和分布情况,研究不同工艺参~对模摩克填性的影哨。 结合正炙 试检与有限元数位模拟技术,对棋R量元4良性的影吻因素进行研究,得出模R堂元埃能力影响因素的主 次顺序、各因素的影响趋势.a.录优搭配方案。同时以纯铅为模拟材料,对模锻过程进行物理模拟。 关键词:毛运尺寸;变形速反;模股元填性;有~元数位模拟;物理模拟 中图分类号:TG31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1∞3-8728 (2∞8)ω-1179-05 Effect of 8ize and Forging Deformation Rate of a Rough Piece on tbe Filling Performance of a Forging Die Chamber Zhang Hui (Sbaar凶 UnivclIity 0( T,础nOL咽, H皿必。og723∞3) Ab由llct: The filling capability of a forging die is the Iceyωdesign of the forging die and il has important influence on the moulding of forged pieces . Aiming 81 the difficulty in the filling of forging die chamber , we simulated the process of die fo晤咚, analysed the defoInÚng behavior of the stuff,discussed the variely and distribution of temper- 矶ue, strain , strain rate eω. , and swdied 出e influence of diHerent p阴阳parometers on the filling performance of Corging die chamber by combination of finite element numerical simulation and virtual experirnent with 2A12 alumin- ium alloy for ∞ntrolling the filling heighl afte.Tdie fo唔~. 8yo础。gona1 experimenl and fmite element numerica1 aimulation , we devised a 侃rtual orthogonal experiment fOTdetermining the order of primary and secondry 讯fluential Cactors on 由e fillingωp抽出tiea of die chamber , including the size of rough picce , de{o~ra饵, and the eize of briage in border 回ugh , and 由e optimum plan of arrang倒四川. Wi由 purified lcad as simulating materi且1, an exper- im


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