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该节日成为世界最大的番茄大战。每年都有超过三万名的游客因“番茄节”慕名而来。街上的行人也可以加入混战 。 由于游客通过这样的活动可以尽情放松压抑的心情 ,并重新找到童年的感觉,因此这个奇特的节日在西班牙正变得越来越盛行。 It‘s the Tomato Carnival ! Yes! It is perhaps the largest food fight in the world. Tomato Carnival is held on the last Wednesday of August each year since 1945. It is said that, one day ,a small band were playing the trumpet from downtown to the streets, the leader held the trumpet up to sky. Suddenly, there were some youngersters starting to throw tomatoes to the trumpet, wondering who can right achieve to hit the spot. This is the origin of Tomato Fight. Tomato Carnival which always lasts one week is a world-known traditional carnival in Spain like Encierro(奔牛节). Tens of thousands of people stripped off their shirts and hurled tons of ripe, juicy tomatoes at each other in the annual Tomatina food fight, creating knee-deep rivers of tomato sauce on the streets of this Spanish town.? 成千上万的人脱掉自己的衬衫,奋力把一吨吨透熟多汁的西红柿掷向其他人,很快西红柿汁就在小镇的街道上形成了一条条没过膝盖的河流。这就是西班牙的小镇上一年一度的西红柿狂欢节。 On the Carnival each year, tourists all over the world came to gather in the town, celebrating the unique carnival with local residents. Tomato brings people happiness of harvest as well as of carnival. With the signal of ending,the exciting fight winds up people’s laughter.Meanwhile,the residents and the voluneers go to another battle----clean the streets.One hour later, they recover their tidiness and peace as usual. In 2002, the Tomato Carnival in Buniaor was recognized as Spains National Cultural Heritage by the Spanish government. 西班牙奔牛节 西班牙奔牛节是西班牙的传统节日,始于1591年,每年 都吸引数万人参加。它的正式名称叫“圣费尔明节” (Los Sanfermines),圣费尔明(San Fermín)是西班 牙东北部潘普洛纳城(Pamplona)的保护神。奔牛节 的起源与西班牙斗牛传统有直接关联。据说当初对潘普 洛纳人来说,要将6头高大的公牛从城郊的牛棚赶进城里 的斗牛场是件非常困难的事情。16世纪时,某些旁观者 突发奇想,斗胆跑到公牛前,将牛激怒,诱使其冲入斗 牛场。后来,这种习俗就演变成了奔牛节。 Trumpt 指 小号 Odd Festivals Of The World (世界上古怪的节日) 英国的追奶酪节:只有在英国你才可以看到这么一个节日,人们沿着山坡追赶滚动的奶酪。 追逐奶酪节 在英国格洛斯特郡(Brockworth)的库珀山(Cooper),有 一个流行了五百多年的奇特节日——“追逐奶酪节”。 每年五 月底,几十位“奶酪勇士”聚集在库珀山顶,追赶一块从山顶 滚下的三公斤重的双层格洛斯特干酪,一


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