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2. more than 不仅仅是……; 不只是…… This book is more than a grammar book. 这不仅仅是本语法书。 另外, be + more than happy/glad/willing+ to do sth 表示“非常乐意(做某事)”。 We are more than happy to show you around Beijing. 我们非常乐意带你到北京到处看看。 Come Come on Come up with Come true Come across sb/sth when it comes to (doing) sth How come(…)? (ideas) come to me 加油,得了吧 提出,想出 梦想实现 偶遇 人/ 物 当涉及/提及…时 怎么会?? (人)突然想到… 2) no wonder: 难怪; 不足为奇 (esp.口语) No wonder you’ve got a headache – you drank so much wine. 你喝了那么多酒, 难怪你头疼。 wonder n. 惊异; 惊奇; 惊叹 a look of wonder 惊异的神情 He watched the magician in silent wonder. 他一声不响惊奇的看这魔术师。 wonder n. 奇迹; 奇观; 奇才; 奇事; do wonders 创造奇迹 Take whichever you want. 你想拿哪个就拿哪个。 Whatever I have also belongs to you. 我所有的一切也属于你的。 Whatever happens, I’ll always be on your side. 不管发生什么事, 我总会站在你一边的。 * 1. fun: enjoyment; pleasure (U) have fun: enjoy oneself 尽情地玩 for fun: for pleasure 为了娱乐 a lot of / much / no fun 有趣/没趣 . 我喜欢看叫做快乐大本营的节目, 因为这个节目很有趣, 而且看这个节目也总是有很多乐趣。 其实,现在有很多节目能让我们感到轻松自在, 但如果纯粹为了娱乐,没有节目能胜过它。 I am fond of watching a program called HAPPY CAMP, because it has much fun, moreover, we can have a lot of fun watching it. Actually, nowadays, there are many programs that can put us at ease, however, if just for fun, nothing is better than it. 3. various adj. 各种各样的, 不同的; 好几个, 很多 There are various ways of cooking an egg. 鸡蛋有各种各样的做法。 Various people said they had seen the accident. 许多人说他们目睹了这次的事故。 variation n. 变化, 变更 variety n. 品种, 种类, 多样性 vary v. 改变, 变更 固定搭配: 各种各样的, 种类繁多的 a (considerable / great /wide) variety of 因种种理由 for a variety of reasons 用种种方法 in (a) variety of ways 习惯与爱好因人而异,这意味着世界上有各种各样 的习惯。因为各种各样的原因, 有的人喜欢热的天气,有的人喜欢冷的天气。 幸好气温一年四季变化无常。 Habits and hobbies vary from person to person. For a variety of reasons,some people feel like hot weather, others prefer to cold weather. Fortunately, the temperature varied throughout the year. 4. be famous for 以……而闻名 This is a pla


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