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Translation of Medical English —— from Chinese to English Useful structures in Translation 1. adj.+n. 2. in + abstract noun 3. one stem, and two branches 4. adjectives used to express degree 5. “a set of adjectives + the same noun” 6. predicate adjective + prep. 7. of phrase 8. on a … basis 9. n. + infinite 10. n + be + infinite 11. The more…the more (less) 12. participle phrase adj.+n. “发病率高”(n. + adj.) “high incidence” (adj.+n.) e.g. 伤口血肿差不多都是由止血不完善所致。 Wound hematoma is almost always caused by imperfect hemostasis. 如果婴儿的饮食中维生素D含量不足就会引起佝偻病。 Rickets will result if there is an insufficient amount of vitamin D in the diet of an infant. 我们的研究显示20例这类儿童中有8例神经系统预后不良。 Our study reported that 8 of 20 such children had poor neurological outcomes. 口臭可由口腔卫生不好和脓溢或者由扁桃体、腺样组织以及鼻腔黏膜的慢性感染而引起。 An odorous breath may result from improper oral hygiene and pyorrhea or from chronic infection of the tonsils, adenoid or nasal mucosa. 血气恶化可能表示心血管功能下降,而不是肺疾病的恶化。 Deteriorating blood gases may indicate decreasing cardiovascular function rather than a progression of the pulmonary disease. 2. in + abstract noun 例1:这些药物的成分是不同的 The composition of these pills are different These pills are different in composition 例2:白细胞的数量比红细胞少得多,数量之比约为1:600 The white cells are much fewer in number than the red cells, about one to 600. 例3:无论是酸性、碱性还是中性,多数药物主要是从小肠吸收的。 Most drugs, whether acidic, basic, or neutral in character, are absorbed mainly from the small intestine. 例4:人眼的结构和功用很像一个照相机。 The eye is much like a camera in structure and action. 每条染色体上的基因成对地排列,有严格的次序,每一个基因占据特定的位置 (又称基因座)。 The genes on each chromosome are arranged in pairs and in strict order, with each gene occupying a specific location or locus. 3. One stem, and two branches 以名词为中心词,后面跟两个介词短语。第一个介词往往时of, 第二个是其他介词,两个介词短语都修饰中心名词,综合起来构成一个复杂的概念。写作中运用这种结构,可以使得句子语言简洁,突出概念,言简意赅。 例1:感染物吸入到肺是肺脓肿的最常见病因。 Aspiration of infectious material into the lung is the most common cause of lung abscess. 例2:


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