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Lab1 作业
学号 姓名:崔雪莹
Exercise 1: What will be 32-bit hex code for the above two examples.
LW R2, 100(R3) 指令为读指令,读R3寄存器内容为首址,偏移地址为100的内容字,存到R2寄存器里,格式 LW rt, Imm(rs)。
编码为:100011 00011 00010 01100100
Bit313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210Field6-Bit Op Coders Fieldrt Field16-bit Immediate field10001100011000100000000001100100
SW R5, 100(R6) 指令为写指令,将R5内容写入以R6寄存器内容为首址,偏移地址为100的地址,格式 SW rt, Imm(rs)。
编码为:101011 00110 00101 01100100
Bit313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210Field6-Bit Op Coders Fieldrt Field16-bit Immediate field10101100110001010000000001100100
Exercise 2: Find 32-bit code for OR R7, R18, R12 and SUB R5, R4, R31
OR R7, R18, R12 位或操作,格式 OpCode rd, rs, rt
编码为:000000 10010 01100 00111 00000 100101
Bit313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210Field0 0 0 0 0 0rs Fieldrt Fieldrd fieldShift AmountFunction Field00000010010011000011100000100101
SUB R5, R4, R31 减法,格式 OpCode rd, rs, rt
编码为:000000 00100 11111 00101 00000 100010
Bit313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210Field0 0 0 0 0 0rs Fieldrt Fieldrd fieldShift AmountFunction Field00000000100111110010100000100010
Exercise 3: Find 32-bit code for BNEQ R7, R8, -5.
0000101 00111 01000 11111011
If the PC value for branch instruction is 124 what will be new value of PC if the branch is taken 124+4-5*4=108 .
-5的补码为 1111 1111 1111 1011
Bit313029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210Field000100 for BEQ 000101 for BNEQrs Fieldrt FieldBranch offset in Number of Instructions00010100111010001111111111111011