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目 录 摘要 德彪西生平及其艺术成就第二章 德彪西钢琴音乐的特点第一节:德彪西印象主义和声的基础-全音阶 1. 全音阶 2.德彪西对全音阶的发展 第二节:德彪西钢琴作品的加美兰特征 1.什么是加美兰 1)旋律特征 2)声部特征 3)调式和曲式特征 第三节 德彪西音乐的中国特征 1.从结构分析德彪西音乐的中国元素 2.从音响和音色分析德彪西音乐的中国气质 3从节奏分析德彪西音乐的中国特点 第三章 德彪西钢琴作品东方色彩形成的原因和演奏方法 第一节 德彪西钢琴作品东方色彩形成的原因 1. 性格的影响 2. 法国古钢琴乐派的影响 3. 象征主义诗歌和印象主义画派的影响 4. 东方氛围的影响 第二节 德彪西钢琴作品东方色彩形成的演奏方法 1. 奏法 2. 踏板的使用 3. 实践心得结语 克洛德·德彪西 (Claude Debussv),出生1862年8月22日,逝世1918年3月25日十九世纪最重要的作曲家之一也是印象派的重要代表人物。他打破了传统音乐创作的束缚,形成独特的艺术语言,他在钢琴和管弦乐这两个领域中对印象主义音乐的发展和探索,是他为二十世纪的音乐发展所作出的重要贡献。  他在等前辈开创的法国传统的影响下,,西班牙舞曲和爵士乐的一些特点,将印象派艺术手法运用到音乐上,创造出了别具一格的和声。其音乐对的作曲家产生了深远的影响。德彪西的音乐和相去甚运。在他的作品中已看不到古典主义音乐的结构严谨、逻辑性和深刻的思想性,也不到浪漫主义的丰富情感,取而代之的则是奇异的幻想因素、朦胧和感觉和神奇莫测的色彩。他的和声繁复、细腻,配器新奇富有色彩,旋律冷漠飘忽的,这都是古典主义音乐和浪漫主义音乐所不具的。 Abstract Claude Debussv was born in Pairs, France on August 22, 1862 and passed away at the age of 56 on March 25, 1918. As one of the most prominent European writers in the 19th century and one of representatives of impressionists, he was released from the constraints of the traditional music and formulated his unique artistic expressions. His research and exploration in the fields of piano and orchestra made great contributions to the development of music in the 20th century. Under the influence of the traditional French music created by a number of predecessors like Jules Massenet, Debussv combined the features of the oriental music, Spanish dance and jazz and applied artistic means of French impressionism to his musical composition. On this basis, he created a unique harmony which produced far-reaching influences on other composers. Debussvs music is far different from the classical music. In his works, people cannot find any similarity of classical music featuring strict structures, rational logic, and profound thoughts, nor romantic music with rich and exquisite emotions. Instead, his works are famous for fantastic imagination, indistinct feelings, and ever-changing colors. His complicated and refreshing harmonies can deliver a kind of remote and uncertain feeling


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