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(2)采用“ever + ~er”(主要用于单音节词) Computers are ever smaller. (3)采用“increasingly + 原级”(主 要用于多音节词) Computers are getting increasingly complicated . §3.3 比较等级 (4)“含有比较级的主句 + 表示时间的as-从句[随着]”★ The skin effect(集肤效应)is more pronounced(明显的)as the frequency increases. The accelerating(加速)force becomes smaller as the body approaches the center. §3.3 比较等级 3、“as 形容词 as 数量”要译成“ ~ 达[到]……”▲ 这块芯片(chip)薄达零点几毫米 (millimeter)。 §3.3 比较等级 This chip is as thin as a few tenths of a millimeter. [ ≠ This chip is a few tenths of a millimeter thin.] 地球离月球的距离远达24万英里。 §3.3 比较等级 The distance of the earth from the moon is as great as 240,000 mi. Efficiencies of as much as 99% are achieved in large transformers(变压器). 4、在“as …as”句型中省去第2个“as部分”的情况 Digital transmission need not have as high an S/N ratio. [可看成省去了“as analog transmission”] To dissipate(耗散)50 watts of heat, the temperature difference must be twice as great. §3.3 比较等级 Measuring anything means comparing it with some standard to see how many times as big it is. [可看成省去了“as the standard”] How many times as great is the kinetic energy if the velocity is doubled? §3.3 比较等级 A force which causes a body to have twice the acceleration(加速度)another force produces must be twice as great. §3.3 比较等级 5、一种特殊的“as … as”句型 as many (+名词A) as there are + 名词B 译成“有多少个B就有多少个A” §3.3 比较等级 There are as many designs as there are designers. These energy bands(能带) are actually composed of a multitude of(许许多多)individual(单个)energy levels(能级), as many as there are atoms in the crystal(晶体). §3.3 比较等级 6、句型“more 名词A than 名词B”译 成“与其说是B不如说是A” The design and implementation(实现)of programming languages has been more art than science . §3.3 比较等级 7、“much 和long”常起形容词和名词的双重作用 The flip-flop(触发器)can stay high for as long as 2 min. The recommended practice is to let Rs contribute as much of 45 ? as possib


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