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二 ○ 一 六 届 毕 业论 文??浅析新海诚动画电影的风格特色——以其三部动画长片为例 学 院:文学艺术与传播学院专 业:汉语言文学姓 名:王彤彤学 号:201233060113指导教师:桦桢 完成时间:2016年6月??二〇一六年六月摘 要谈及动画电影,西方有一个美国,而东方有一个日本。日本与我国地理位置接近、历史传统相近,研究其动画电影对我国动画电影的发展突破无疑具有较大意义。受字数限制,本文仅选取目前日本动画电影界极具个人风格及代表性的一位知名导演——新海诚的三部电影长片作为主研究对象,主要采用历史比较法、综合分析法及归纳演绎法等研究方法,从不同角度对这三部影片作全面分析,并试图简单梳理新海诚导演的创作风格。本文一、二、三、四章总体采用从一般到个别的演绎法,第一章梳理日本动画电影的总体风格,并对日本文化背景、新海诚的个人背景作简单介绍;之后第二、三、四章分别从艺术特色、主题思想和情感表达这三个方面对三部影片作具体剖析,并和日本其他动画电影进行对比,在比较中分析新海诚的独特风格,同时富有创新性地结合新海诚本人所创作的同名小说,挖掘影片中体现的文学性;第五章和结语采用从个别到一般的归纳法,前者归纳新海诚影片中存在的不足之处,后者梳理并总结全篇,得出新海诚动画电影的基本风格是画面逼真精致,情节简单缓慢,情感细腻含蓄,常常反映爱情和成长中的孤独、迷惘和痛苦,富有诗意性和哲理性。关键词:新海诚 动画电影 艺术特色 主题思想 情感表达ABSTRACTWhen it comes to the animated film, America is to the West what Japan is to the East. In fact, Japan and China share similar geographical position and similar historical tradition which means studying its animated films will be undoubtedly of great significance to China’s animated film development . Limited by words, the paper only selects Makoto Shinkais three feature animated films as the main object of study. Makoto Shinkai is a new star in the current Japanese animated film industry with highly personal style and representativeness. The paper mainly uses historical comparative method, comprehensive analysis and induction deduction and other research methods, trying to give a comprehensive analysis of the three films from different aspects, and trying to simplely sort out Makotos personal style. The first four chapters generally use the deductive reasoning which is from the general to the individual. The first chapter summarizes the overall style of Japanese animated film and briefly introduces Japanese histure and culture and Shinkai’s personal background; The after second, third and fourth chapters thoroughly discussed the artistic characteristics, themes and emotional expressions of the three films respectively, and also make brief comparison between the three and other Japanese animated films so as to analyze Shi
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