ChinesePainting (修改版20160515).ppt

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ChinesePainting (修改版20160515)

国画 Traditional Chinese Painting 目 录 Content 一、国画简介 Introduction of traditional Chinese painting 三、插柳 planting willow tree 二、中国画工具 Chinese painting tools 四、青团 green dumpling 国画一词起源于汉代,汉朝人认为中国是居天地之中者,所以称为中国,将中国的绘画称为“中国画”,简称“国画”。主要指的是画在绢、宣纸、帛上并加以装裱的卷轴画。国画是汉族的传统绘画形式,是用毛笔蘸水、墨、彩作画于绢或纸上。工具和材料有毛笔、墨、国画颜料、宣纸、绢等,题材可分人物、山水、花鸟等,技法可分具象和写意。中国画在内容和艺术创作上,体现了古人对自然、社会及与之相关联的政治、哲学、宗教、道德、文艺等方面的认知。 Traditional Chinese painting originated from the Han Dynasty. People from the Han Dynasty thought China was the center of the universe, therefore China was called the “Middle Kingdom”. The tools and the materials to make the paintings were the brush, ink, pigment, xuan paper, and silk. The paintings were made on scrolls of silk or xuan paper. To make the painting, the painter dipped the brush into the water, ink, and pigment before applying them onto the silk or paper. The subjects of the paintings illustrated the ancient aspects of nature, society, politics, philosophy, religion, morals, literature and arts. 山水画 Landscape 人物画 Figure painting 花鸟画Flower and bird painting 花鸟画flower-and-bird painting 国画的工具 Chinese painting tools 笔:毛笔以其笔锋的长短可分为长锋、中锋和短锋笔,性能各异 。 Chinese brush:It can be divided into the long front, the center and the short front pen by its tip of a writing brush length, the performance respectively different. 墨:常用制墨原料有油烟、松烟两种,制成的墨称油烟墨和松烟墨。 Ink: The commonly used system ink raw material has the lampblack, the loose smoke two kinds, makes the ink calls the oil lamp black and the pine lamp black. 纸:中国画在唐宋时代多用绢,到了元代以后才大量使用纸作画。 Paper: The traditional Chinese paintings in the the Tang and Song dynasties widely used silks, until the Yuan dynasty when papers were heavily used . 砚:我国最有名的砚是歙砚和端砚。 Inkstone: The most famous inkstones are the She inkstone and the Duan inkstone. 端砚Duan inkstone. 歙砚She inkstone 宣纸Xuan paper 插柳 plant willow 插柳是一种风俗,也是为了纪念“教民稼穑”的农事祖师神农氏。 Planting willows is a kind of custom to commemorate the “farming patriarch” Shennong, who taught people how to grow crop


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