FZ/T 12001-2015转杯纺棉本色纱.pdf

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  •   |  2016-01-01 实施
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FZT 12001-2015《转杯纺棉本色纱》新旧标准的比较.pdf

《齐齐哈尔大学学报H哲学社会科学版) 2016 年7 月 Joumal of Qiqihar University( Phi Soc Sci) July. 2016 口教育科学研究 新常态视闹下高校创新人才培养的思考 王晓征 (商丘师范学院法学院,河南商丘 476000) 摘 要:创新人才的培养是社会发展和进步的关键,新常态的到来要求经济发展从要素驱动转向创新驱动,作 为培养创新人才的重要场所,高校承担了重要的职能,但由于多种因素的影响,高校创新人才的培养出现了多 个方面的问题,需从教师、学生和培养模式等着手,创新教育理念,合理配置教育资源,完善教育教学环节,建立 科学的人才培养体系和评价机制。 关键词:新常态;创新人才;评价机制 中图分类号:G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1∞8 -2638(2016)07 -0150-04 Ret1ectioDS on the Innovative Talents Cultivation of Colleges and Universities in the Visual Threshold of the New Normal WANG Xiao - zheng (Shangqiu Teachers College. Shangqiu Henan 476仅则. China) Abstract: The cultivation of innovative talents is the key factor to the social developrnent and progress in nowadays. Besides , the arrival of the new norrnal makes the economic growth gradually change from the factor - driven to the innovation - driven. As the one of irnportant places to cultivate the innovative talents. universities 困sume an irnportant function. However. under the influence of rnany factors. it appeared manyproblems on the cultivation of innovative talents in colleges and universities. which ne哩d frorn teachers. students and training modes. to renew educational theoretical concepts. allocate its resources rationally. perfect the education teaching and establish the scientific talent training systern and evaluation mechanism. Key words: new norrnal; innovative talents; evaluation mechanism 随着我国经济增长阶段由高速增长向中高速增长的新 也是知识创新和知识转化的重要阵地,新常态下,高校为社 常态的来临,经济发展进入了结构调整的转折期,经济发展 会发展培养更多创新人才的历史使命和现实责任更为凸显。 我国教育界



