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Chapter 5 Root and Word Power insulate, insolate insulate v. 使绝缘, 隔离 含有词根insul,为“岛屿 (island)”之意,从词汇的构成上看,此词有“使成为孤岛”之意,因而其含义为“使绝缘, 隔离” insulation n.绝缘 Many houses in the north are warm in winter because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost. insolate v. 曝晒 含有词根sol,为“太阳 (the sun)”之意,从词汇的构成上看,此词有“置于太阳之中”之意,因而其含义为“曝晒” insolation n.曝晒, 日光浴 The farmers insolate grains for storage. 词根insul表示“岛屿”,来自于拉丁语insula,并形成变体isol,以下单词也含有此词根: isolate v. 使孤立,隔离;使绝缘 isol (island) + -ate isolation n. 隔离,孤立,分离,绝缘 We should never isolate ourselves from the masses. peninsula n. 半岛 pen-(next to,almost) + insul (island)+-a (noun) peninsular adj. 半岛的;n.半岛的居民 Between these ocean-filled valleys, there are wooden peninsulas and islands. insular adj. 岛的,岛民的;偏狭的 insul (island)+-ar Japan is an insular country. insulin n. 胰岛素 insul (island)+-in (element) They won the 1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin. 含有词根insul及其变体的单词还有: island n. isle n. islet n. * 词根sol之意为“太阳”,其变体包括sun, south和hel还见于以下英语单词中: solar adj. 太阳的, 日光的 The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy. solstice n. 至,至日 sol (sun) + stic solstitial adj. 至的 parasol n. solarium n. turnsole n. sun n. south n. ad. a Sol Helios helium n. heliocentric adj. heliotherapy n. heliosis n. ◆ cooperation, corporation cooperation n. 合作, 协作 co-(together) + oper (to work)+ -ation cooperative adj. 合作的, 协力的 Your cooperation means a great deal to us. The school was very cooperative when we made a film there. corporation n. 公司, 企业 含有词根corpor,为“躯体(body)”之意,此词有“构成实体”之意,进一步引申为“公司, 企业” John works for a large American chemical corporation. opera n. operation n. operable adj. * 词根corpor为“躯体,团体”之意,还构成: corporal adj. 肉体的, 身体的;n. 下士 A teacher should not give students corporal punishment. corporate adj. 社团的, 共同的, 全体的 This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges. incorporate v. 合并, 使组成公司;adj. 合并的, 结社的


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