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26 卷 4 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.26 No.4 Feb. 2006
2006 年2 月 Proceedings of the CSEE 2006 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.
文章编号:0258-8013 (2006) 04-0025-06 中图分类号:TK 123 文献标识码:A 学科分类号:47030
(中国科学院工程热物理研究所,北京市海淀区100080 )
Part-load Performance of CCHP with Gas Turbine and Storage System
FENG Zhi-bing, JIN Hong-guang
(Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Science, Haidian District, Beijing 100080, China)
ABSTRACT: Utilizing the typical analytical solution of single 布式能源系统的一个主要发展方向,由于节能、环
shaft constant rotating speed gas turbine and considering the 保、可增加用户电力可靠性等诸多优点,在国内外
variation of heat transfer coefficients of HRSG, the CCHP [2]
已得到广泛重视 。这种系统主要应用于建筑能源
part-load performance is analyzed. In higher load, the CCHP
owns obvious saving energy potential. With the decrease of the 领域,而建筑能源需求中的冷、热需求通常随气温
load, the advantage is reduced; and its performance is worse 的变化而变化,因此冷热电联产系统一般为变工况
than traditional systems after the load is low enough. To [3-4]
模式运行。文献 对于冷、热负荷的变化有所研究,
improve CCHP all-operation performance, the phase change 但它们关注的主要是设备容量的优化配置。
storage system and the potential storage system are combined
with CCHP. Through the simulation of some building
all-operation heating and cooling demands in winter and 模式,部分负荷下联产系统的性能对联产系统的发
summer, respectively, it is found that the utilization of storage 展至关重要。为此,本 对采用单轴燃气轮机的冷
systems make