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毕业设计(论文)报告 题 目三维MAYA动画《sugars》的设计 系 别 专 业 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 2013年 4 月 三维MAYA动画sugars 的设计 摘要:aya、动画、动漫产业 Design of 3D animated MAYA sugars Abstract:The animation industry in China started late in the development of fast, unlike other traditional industries, the development of animation industry will effectively promote the development of animation, film and television production, industrial art design, business management, marketing and other related professional. As a cultural industry, animation, with its unique advantages, new features, audience, government support, quickly reflect the value in every Municipal City, each place all the animation industry as a new economic growth point, at the same time, the creation of animation professionals in various universities, a lot of animation practitioners into the society, various opportunities, challenges emerge as the times require, fire and hybrid animation market as the main feature, practitioners face more difficulties, and some to the related industries. This piece for the four production, which lasted three months, according to the school study specialized knowledge, the film using Maya, premiere, after effects, Photoshop and other software, and the film composition, storyboarding, guide color design idea, production staff go to all lengths to finish design and production cost sheet. Key Words: Maya、Animation、 animation industry 前言 1 第一章【动漫产业论】 2 1.1【动画产业现状】 5 1.1.1【动画产业发展】 9 第二章【《sugars》动画短片制作项目流程】 11 2.1【前期素材收集】 11 2.1.1【素材的收集】 11 2.1.2【剧本角色场景分镜设定】 12 2.2【短片动画制作】 13 2.2.1【场景及角色建模】 13 2.3【动画、贴图材质制作】 14 2.3.1【动画制作】 16 2.3.2【片头、片尾制作】 17 第三章【《sugars》动画短片制作体会】 18 3.1【制作的成功与不够完善之处】 18 3.2【短片制作的收获】 18 致 谢 19 参考文献 20 前言 光阴似箭,岁月如梭。转眼间,三年的大学生活已经接近尾声。人们都说大学是半个社会,大学生活可以让一个人变得成熟。的确,这三年,我成熟了不少,再也不是个嫩嫩的孩。离开了家乡,离开了父母,使我不得不学会了独立,学会了怎么生活。大学里,有成功的喜悦,有失败的伤感,有人生的百态,在学校里,可以学到很多做人的道理。虽然我的大学生活平淡得不能再平淡,但我还是很珍惜这个难忘的经历。在



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