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33 8 Vo l. 33, N o. 8 2006 8 CH IN ESE JOU RNA L OF LA SERS Aug ust , 2006 : 2006 K418 与42CrMo 异种金属的激光穿透焊接 庞 铭, 虞 钢, 刘 兆, 郑彩云, 王立新, 宁伟健 ( , 100080 N dYA G K4 18 42Cr M o , K 4 18 42Cr M o X T , , , , , X T , ; , , 3 kW , 35 , ; ; ; T G 4 56 . 7 A Dissimilar Metal of K418 and 42CrMo Full Penetration Laser Welding PA N G M ing, Y U Gang, LIU Zh ao, ZH EN G Caiy un, W A N G L ixin , NIN G W eijian (Institute of Mechanics, The Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Beij ing 1000 80, China) Abstract T he influences of laser w elding velo city, flo w rat e o f sideblo w shielding g as, defocusing distance and other par amet ers o n the full penet ratio n laser w eld seam o f K 418 and 42Cr M o w er e ex per imentally investig ated using co nt inuou s w ave N dYA G laser. Results show that the asy mmet ric cro sssections of w eld seam s ex hibit X shape or T shape. W ith incr easing w elding velocity , the linear heat input and dimension o f w eld seam decrease, and the shape of it changes fro m X shape to T shape. M eanw hile, the rate of change in dimensio n o f w eld botto m reg ion is lar ger than that o f w eld top reg ion . T he chang e o f the top sur f ace w idth of the w eld seam is small under t he condition that defocu sing distance chang es w ithin t he range o f Ray leigh leng th ; the top surf ace w idths of the w eld seam increase quickly under the co ndit ion that defocusing distance chang es o ut o f the rang e of Ray leigh length w ith enough density of laser pow er. T he hig hquality o f w eld seam w ith constant


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