WM 2012包装要求.pdf

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WM 2012包装要求

Production Services Limited A Division of Rubie’s Costumes Co Date: April 19, 2012 Revised Date: April 27, 2012 Wal-Mart U.S. Packaging Ship Mark 2012 - For Halloween Costumes Wal-Mart 美国美国订单订单包装及外箱唛头指南包装及外箱唛头指南 – 万圣节服装万圣节服装 美国美国订单订单包装及外箱唛头指南包装及外箱唛头指南 万圣节服装万圣节服装 1. Wal-Mart U.S. Packaging 2012: 包装方式包装方式:: 包装方式包装方式:: There are 3 different packaging formats for year 2012 Halloween costumes. Please check with PSL Order Processor to find out what is the correct packaging format for the costume: 2012 年年 WM 万圣节服装的包装方式有三种万圣节服装的包装方式有三种,请与,请与 PSL 相关跟单联系相关跟单联系,确认相关服装的包装方式,确认相关服装的包装方式:: 年年 万圣节服装的包装方式有三种万圣节服装的包装方式有三种,,请与请与 相关跟单联系相关跟单联系,,确认相关服装的包装方式确认相关服装的包装方式:: - In PP Bag PP 袋装袋装(左图左图 PP 袋上衣架不正确袋上衣架不正确) 袋装袋装 左图左图 袋上衣架不正确袋上衣架不正确 Remark: the hanger shape is not correct in this picture, please refer to details for correct PP bag hanger shape in Page 2 in this document. Apart from the hanger shape, the size and material for the PP bag are the same with that for year 2011. 注:注:左左图仅图仅


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