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维生素E(生育酚) 有抗氧化作用,有抗衰老效果, 植物油中含量丰富。 Antioxidant, vitamin E As an antioxidant, vitamin E may also protect from heart disease and cataract(白内障) and may strengthen the immune system(防止心脏病,白内障,增强免疫). Good sources of vitamin E include wheat germ(麦芽) oil and sunflower seeds(葵花子). 维生素K--与血凝有关 K1(植物性)菠 菜含量最丰富 K2 (动物性) Anticoagulants 抗凝血剂 Anticoagulants work by interfering with the action of vitamin K, an essential component in the production of blood clots(血块). Anticoagulants do not dissolve existing clots, which require other forms of treatment. 维生素B1?谷物的果皮中含量高动物肝脏 动物肉类 ?严重缺乏会得脚气病 维生素B2?缺乏时发生皮炎、烂嘴角 Lack of B2,dermatitis 皮炎 缺乏症状 1.口角炎(angular stomatitis)--患者嘴唇红肿发光、口角破裂继而发生溃烂发炎。2.舌炎(glossitis)--症状为舌面清晰、不脱屑、呈红紫色或洋红。3.脂溢性皮肤炎(seborrheic dermatitis)--鼻翼、鼻唇沟壁、眼睑、耳朵等多处显现脂溢性皮炎和丝赘肉状等,鼻黏内溢脂性毛囊角质化。4.眼睛方面的症状--眼睛畏光易疲劳、视力模糊、发痒流泪、眼睛酸痛、角膜充血。 Rich sources of B2 Rich sources of riboflavin include milk, cheese and Yogurt酸奶酪, lean meat, liver, green leafy vegetables, eggs, and enriched breads and cereals(谷物). Because cheese and milk are such good dietary sources of the vitamin, lactose乳糖-intolerant people, including many of the elderly, are vulnerable to deficiency problems. 维生素B6 缺乏时会导致头痛、 失眠 吡多胺 吡多醇 吡多酸 维生素C--抗坏血酸 ?严重缺乏引起坏血病?可预防感冒和癌症 ?人体从蔬菜和水果获得 Vitamin C- ascorbic acid, --- a well known antioxidant 维生素C在各个器官中已经知道的治疗作用可以总结如下: 在白血球中协助噬shi食细菌、病毒及毒素,维持免疫系统 在肾上腺中制造肾上腺素,应付危机 在晶状体中保持晶状体的透明,防止白内障及青光眼 在大脑及神经系统中维持思想及控制肌肉的工作 在表皮层中更新皮肤 在睾丸中维持精子的运动能力 在肝脏中排除有机及无机毒素 在肺脏中防止病毒感染的肺炎 Get V c 维生素P缺乏是发生糙皮病的主要因素之一 尼克酸 尼克酰胺 Vitamin P The lemon fruit is a pale-yellow, elliptically shaped berry, which usually has a small, nipplelike protuberance at the apex(顶端). The exocarp layer is the leathery rind, containing oil of lemon, which is used in the manufacture of perfumes and lemon flavoring. The nearly tasteless, spongy, white layer beneath the rind is the mesocarp, which contains a substance called citrin (柠檬 素)or vitamin P. Foods contain
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