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一、 Translations to the exercise of last time 1. Su Shi, a well-known writer and calligrapher in the 11th century, believed in Buddhism and was well-versed in its doctrines. Once he was discussing some passages in the Buddhism Scripture(经文) with a Buddhist abbot(寺庙主持). Both seated cross-legged on a round cushion, they debated for a long time. “What am I in the eyes of other people, sir?” the senior monk asked. “No more than a small heap of cow dung(牲畜的粪便), my dear abbot.” The monk responded with a gentle smile and said, “Sir, you’re a beautiful flower in my eyes.” Su was quite pleased at the compliment. Back at home, he mentioned this to his kid sister. She commented, “According to Buddhist teachings, only a person whose heart is black and evil as hell will cherish evil ideas. Only when there’s cow dung in your heart, will you regard other people as such filth.” these words flushed the brother’s face with shame. All ideas and intentions exist in one’s heart long before they materialize. The evil in one’s heart will bias one while one’s friendly and tolerant heart will bring joy to others and oneself. (居祖纯,2002:247) 1.苏东坡是苏轼(1037-1101)的别号,翻译中选择正式名苏轼而不用别号“东坡”是为了减少英美人对中国姓名的误会。 2.根据《辞海》的解释,“苏小妹”是“文学故事人物。相传为苏老泉之女,东坡之妹。”可见,“小妹”并非人名,而指的是东坡之妹,所以译为“Su’s kid sister”为好,不译为Su Xiaomei. 3. “对佛学很有造诣”。根据有关词典(如,吴光华的《汉英词典》),可以翻译成 of great attainments这一后置结构,用来修饰前边的名词。如,a scholar of great attainment。这里我们建议用well-versed(非常精通)为好。 4、“两人坐于团垫之上,相论许久。” 该句颇有佛教风味,所以应该译成:‘Both seated cross-legged(盘腿而坐) on a round cushion(分词结构),they debated for a long time.’ 5、 为了表现方丈的谦恭有礼以及英美人的可接受习惯,在译完方丈的第一个对话后加上“sir”一词。 6、“方丈你在我眼里是一堆牛屎。”应译为“No more than a heap of cow dung”(表示蔑视,“只不过是”)而不是“not more than….”(表示数量,“不多于”)。另外,my dear abbot这种结构表示“亲热”,有时可以传达轻蔑对方的意思。 7、“施主”一词可以译成“alms giver”或“benefactor”。但是这里只是和尚或道士对一般的在家人的礼貌称呼,所以仅译为“sir”便可。 8. “心在地狱缘于恶念” ,这句话可以这样理解:“心在地狱并不是指人在人世,而心在阴曹地府,而是指心中有 “牛屎”的形象说法。因此可译为:Only a person whose heart is black and evil as hell will cherish evil ideas. 9、 “苏东坡听罢,满脸愧色。”也可以译为:Su hear


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