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DOI: 10. 13422 /j .cnki . syfjx . 1997.02.005
1997 3 2 ·13·
5. 4 [ 1]..:
、, .. 1985∶33, 241
,. 1990∶21
(: 96- 07- 22)
宋友文 谢 珍 胥洪灿(四川畜牧兽医学院中草药研究所 荣昌 632460)
郭东育(华东师大 95级 生物硕士生)
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Study on Anti-dermatophytosis and Safety of a Tincture of Chinese Drugs
Song Youw en ,X ie Zh en ,X u Hong can ,Guo Dongy u
(I nst itut e of Ch inese Ma ter ia M ed ica , S ichuan Colleg e
, , 632460)
of Veterinary M ed icine Rong chang
Abstract: The tincture for antitinea edis and antibromhidrosis was found to inhibit
growth of tricho hyton rubrum, T. gy seum, Micros orum gy seum, M. lanosum, E i-
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derm hyton floccosum in vitro The safety test show ed that When it w as a lied to the rat
skin, mild congestion in the local skin can be observed. No carcinogenesis of the tincture w as
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Key words tincture of antitinea edis and antibromhidrosis fungus safety
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、 2g、 1g、 2g、 , 60mg,
1g[1, 2] , 50 100ml,、
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·14· Chinese Journal of Ex erimental Traditional Medical Formulae 1997; 3(2)