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②—Thank you for helping me with my geography! —______. I hope you can do better in it. A. That’s right      B. See you C. Sounds good D. You’re welcome 【解析】选D。考查情景交际。That’s right没错; See you再见; Sounds good听起来不错; You’re welcome不客气。应答对方感谢语, 用You’re welcome。故选D。 考点五 Some keys are in Classroom 7E. 在7E教室里有串钥匙。 some adj. 一些; 某些 pron. 有些; 有的 【词义辨析】some与any的区别 均表示“一些”, 既可修饰可数名词复数, 也可修饰不可数名词 同 (1)用于否定句和疑问句 (2)用于肯定句中表示“任何(的); 无论哪个” (1)用于肯定句 (2)用于表示建议、请求的疑问句中, 期望得到肯定回答 异 any some 异同点 I have some good friends at school. 在学校里我有一些好朋友。 Would you like some coffee? 你想喝点咖啡吗? Do you have any questions? 你有什么问题吗? 【即学活用】 ①选词填空(some/any) a. Look! There are _____books on the desk. b. Do you have ____ questions, boys and girls? c. Would you like _____ coffee, sir? some any some ②(2014·天津中考)—Is there______beef in the fridge? —No, there isn’t. There is______pork. A. some; any       B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some 【解析】选D。考查词义辨析。some“一些”, 用于肯定句或表示委婉请求的疑问句中, any“一些”, 用于疑问句或否定句中, 故只有D项符合题意。 考点六 I must find it. 我必须找到它。 must modal v. 必须 【词义辨析】must与have to的区别 两者都表示“必须”, 后跟动词原形 同 not have to =needn’t“不必” mustn’t“一定不要”“不允许” 否定或疑问借助助动词do/does/did等 Must. . . ? 问句否定答语用needn’t或don’t have to 有人称、时态变化(has to/had to/will have to) 情态动词, 无人称、时态变化 侧重于客观需要, 含有“不得不”“被迫”之意 侧重于说话者的主观看法, 认为有必要或有义务去做某事 异 have to must 异同点 We must obey the rules. 我们必须遵守规章制度。 You have to give up smoking for your health. 为了健康, 你得戒烟。 【图解助记】 【即学活用】 ①用must/have to填空 a. I have no money for a taxi, so I’ll _______ walk there. b. Everyone _____ keep the law. have to must ②(2015·乐山中考)—Mum, the train is leaving in eight minutes. I______go now. —Okay, Jim, call me when you get there. A. may    B. must    C. can   D. could 【解析】选B。考查情态动词。由“the train is leaving in eight minutes”可知“我现在必须得走了”。may“可以; 可能”; must“必须”; can“能够”; could“能够”。故选B。 ③(2015·菏泽中考)—How do you usually go to school? —My school is far away. I______take the bus to school. A. must B. might C. have to D. may 【解析】选C。考查情态动词。句意: ——你通常怎样去学校? ——我的学校远。我必须乘公交车去学校。


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