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注意:主语为what 引导的主语从句时,谓语动词应与从句所指代的内容的单复数一致。 What he says (他所说的) is not important. What I want(我所需要的) are details. 当what 引导的主语从句中谓语为复数时,全句的谓语动词也应是复数。 What make the river more beautiful are the flowers growing in the water. 七、名词化的形容词和过去分词作主语与动词的一致 名词化的形容词和过去分词作主语与动词的一致应取决于主语的数。主语如表单数,就用单数动词;主语如表复数,就用复数动词。具体如下: 1. 主语表单数,谓语用单数。 The true(真实,表单数) is to be distinguished from the false. The accused(被告,表单数) was released. 2. 主语表复数,谓语用复数。 The poor (穷人,表一类人)are looked down upon by the rich. 3. 名词化的形容词或过去分词为复数形式,谓语用复数。 The newlyweds(新婚夫妇,本身为复形) are now spending their honeymoon abroad. 4.集体名词一般按单数对待,但如果强调其成员可以视为复数,如: His family is coming to meet him at the airport. The whole family were having supper when I dropped in. 常见的同种用法的集体名词有family, group, class, population等。但是police, people, cattle 作主语时, 谓语动词却都要用复数形式。如: The police haven’t caught the thief yet. 八、代词与动词的一致 1. all / some / any / most用作主语时,随其数用单数或复数动词。 All(事情,单数) is ready and all(人,复数) are here. I don’t think any is left.我认为没什么剩下。 I don’t think any of them(他们中没人) have seen her. Most of the building was destroyed but most were saved. 2. “each of + 复形名词”结构要求单数动词,但“复形名词+ each”结构要求复数动词。 Each of the jobs(每一份工作) was planned by Billy. we each(我们每个人) have a copy of this dictionary. 3. every和everyone 一般要求用单数谓语;either一般要求用单数谓语,但在非正式文体中, “either of +复形名/代词” 结构可用复数动词。 Either method(任一种方法) is practical. Either of them(他们中任一人) are/is enough to drive me mad. 4. Many a +单数名词之后通常需用单数谓语。 Many a child comes from a big city. Many a child = Many children 5. neither/none 可用单数或复数动词 Neither of the books is /are satisfactory. None of us know / knows for certain. 6. 疑问代词what作主语时,谓语与其所含的数念一致。当说话人不确知what的数念或不强调数念时,应用单数动词。 What’s on the table?桌上是什么? What are on the table? 桌上是些什么? What’s in the sky? 天上是什么? 九、数词与动词的一致 1. 语法一致 Two and two are four.(主语是Two and two ) Four from seven is three.(主语为four) Three times one is three.(主语为three, times被看成介词) 261 divided by 9 equals 2


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