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初二英语互动课堂 L: _________(plant) trees must be very interesting! These pictures look fantastic. ______ they ______ (draw) by students? X: Yes, they ______ (be). My school is famous for its fine art interest group. An exhibition of the students’ works ___________ (hold) in the National Gallery now. L: That’s amazing! Can we go there ______ (have) a look? X: Sure! * (2010,上海) 听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词。 1.It is a ________ book for children. Its home is in the library. 2.The book stayed in a factory for ________ weeks before it went to a new place. 3.The book went to the library and others were ________ away to book shops. story five sent 4.Some people take good care of the book and turn its pages ________. 5.Other people are bad to the book and they read it with ________ hands. 6.Some people throw the book away in the ________ when they want to sleep. 7.The colors on its cover were ________. Now they have turned pale. softly dirty bedroom bright Hello! Let me introduce myself to you. I am a story book for children. My home is in a library. I live on a shelf with a lot of other books. Before I came to the library, I stayed in a factory for five weeks. I remembered being on a shelf with a lot of books which looked exactly like me. Then I went to the library. Others were sent away to book shops. People often take me from the library to their homes to read me. Some people take good care of me. They make sure that their hands are clean and turn my pages softly. They put a book mark in me when they stop reading for a while. Other people are bad to me. They read me with dirty hands. They turn up of the corner of my pages so they know where to start reading again. Some people read me in the bedroom. They just throw me away when they want to sleep. I am quite old now. My pages used to be really white, now they look different. When I first came to live in the library, the colors on my cover were bright, now they have turned pale. I like being a book. It is good to


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