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课程简介 商务口译 Contents What is Interpreting? – The Basics Qualities of Good Interpreters Course Design Contents (2) Readings Resources The Basics Interpreting – A Definition To interpret a speech is not to translate it word for word. To interpret a speech from its source language to transfer its semantic (语义), connotative (内涵) and aesthetic (美感) content into another language, using the lexical (词汇), syntactic (句法) and stylistic (文体) resources of the second, or “target” language for that purpose. To interpret is first and foremost to understand the intended message perfectly. It can then be “detached” from the words used to convey it in the original and reconstituted, in all its subtlety, in words of the target language. Interpreting is a constant to-ing and fro-ing between different ways of thinking and cultural universes. Modes of Interpreting Liaison Interpretation (LI) or escort interpretation Consecutive Interpretation (CI) Simultaneous Interpretation (SI) and whispering interpretation Sight Interpretation/Translation (ST) Careers of Interpreters International Organizations Government Offices Company White Collar University Teachers Free-lance Interpreters Qualities for Good Interpreters The Ability to analyze information and construe meaning Speed of reaction and ability to adapt without delay to speakers, situations and subjects: 我说固我在,长时间停顿是大忌 Power of concentration / stamina (毅力):6-7 hours a day, 15-20 minutes/turn, afternoon sessions usually start at 13:30 Pleasant voice and public-speaking skills High degree of intellectual curiosity e.g.:冰桶挑战 Intellectual integrity / Professional Ethics Tact and diplomacy to deal with difficult situations (misunderstandings, tension) Course Design The above-mentioned qualities are not exercised independently of one another, but come together to constitute an organic whole. As consecutive interpretation is highly practice-oriented, we are goi


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