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必修2语言点 1. in search of = search sth. = look for sth. =in one’s search for sth. 寻找 Search sb./sth. 搜身/搜查某物 Search out 找出,查出 2. 当定语从句的先行词是the way时, 引导词可以是in which, that, 或者是省略引导词。 e.g. The room was completed the way (in which/that) she wanted. 3. be at war (with) (与…) 处于交战状态 be at peace (with) (与…)处于和平状态 in peace 和平地,和睦地, 平静地 e.g. The two countries were at war with each other for two years. 这两个国家打了两年的仗 How long have they been at war? 他们交战有多长时间了? He is sleeping in peace. 他安详地睡着了. be at work 在工作 be at school 在上学 be at table 在吃饭 4. There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问 In doubt 感到怀疑的 without (a) doubt 无疑地 5. think highly of 看重, 器重 speak highly of 赞扬,重视 think much/a lot/well of 重视 think little/poorly/nothing of 轻视 6. spend, pay, cost, take Sb. spend some time/money (on) doing sth. Sb. pay money for sth. Sth. cost sb. some time/money It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. 7. “of +抽象名词”表示人或事物所具有的特征,特性,可在句中做表语或后置定语。 be of + 抽象名词 = be + 该词的形容词 1) I don’t find anything of interest in today’s newspaper = I don’t find anything interesting in today’s newspaper 2) Your advise is of great help to learners of English. = Your advise is helpful to learners of English. of great importance= (very) important of interest= interesting of use= useful of value= valuable of help= helpful 8. 疑问词+ 不定式 作宾语 A judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe(=he should believe) and which not to believe. The question is what to do next=The question is what we should do next. 9. take apart 拆开 apart from 除了…之外 = except for 10. prefer to do… rather than do =prefer doing… to doing =would rather do… than do =would do… rather than do 11. too much + 不可数名词 too many+ 可数名词 much too + adj./adv. 12. 倒装句: 当句子开头出现否定词时, 则句子须用部分倒装语序 ▲常见的否定词有: never, seldom, neither, little, not, hardly, scarely, rarely, not only, not until, at no time, in no way, by no means, etc. 13. so, neither/nor I’m a student. So is he I’m not a student. Neither/nor is he. 14. what to do with =how to deal with 15. sth. belon


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