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* 复习课 九年级下册(Unit 5—Unit 6) a number of the number of… fetch sb. sth./fetch sth. for sb. lie in promise (sb.) to do sth. once upon a time stand for have an influence on sb./sth make up one’s mind to do sth. be proud of be the pride of 一些,许多(谓复) …的总数(谓单) 给某人取某物 位于 (向某人)承诺做某事 从前 代表 对… 有影响 下定决心做某事 以……为傲,为……而骄傲 是……的骄傲 习惯用语: slap sb. in the face stick to (doing ) sth. hear of lose oneself in… depend on to one’s joy at the age of in ones thirties die of bring down in memory of… make one’s dream come true = realize one’s dream 扇了某人一记耳光 坚持做某事 听说 沉浸于…… 依靠;取决于;信赖 令某人高兴的是 在……年龄 在某人三十几岁时 死于…… 推翻 为了纪念… 实现梦想 At last, Sun Yan-sen and his men________ (推翻) the Qing Dynasty. Would you like to run upstairs and ________ (去取…来) me the glasses, Joan? Hong Kong is _____________ (著称)as the Shopping Heaven. I don’t know Susanna, but I have _________ (听说) her. brought down fetch known/ famous heard of 【夯实基础 练习巩固】 After the discussion, the boss _________ (答应) to follow the suggestions. 6. All the Chinese people _______________ (以… 自豪)Liu Xiang and Yao Ming. 7. Whether we’ll go for a picnic this weekend ___________ (取决于) the weather. promised are proud of depends on 【夯实基础 练习巩固】 复习连词(both…and…, either…or…, neither…nor…等)的用法。 复习 would rather…than…的用法。 复习定语从句(由who/ whom, that, which, whose 引导)。 语法专项 would rather do … than do … “宁愿做……而不愿做” = prefer to do … rather than do … eg: He would rather stay at home than go out. =He prefers to stay at home rather than go out. 他宁愿呆在家中而不愿出去. 注意点: 1. prefer to do sth 不仅有人称变换,而且还有时态变化。第三人称形式是prefers to do sth , 过去时态为preferred to do sth。   2. would rather既无人称变化,也无时态变化。 prefer A to B, “比起B来更喜欢A” 其中A 和B可以是名词、代词,或是动名词 eg : I prefer tea to milk. I prefer swimming to skating. 我喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。 我宁愿喝茶也不喝牛奶。 1. I prefer skiing to _______. The snow makes me excited.  A. cycles


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