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28.这个孩子还没有做完作业就出去玩了。 29.在这个还的带领下。我们好不费劲的找到了他的家。 30.我认为电脑在我们日常生活中很重要,可是我们的工作效率提高。 The child went out for a play, he didn’t finish his homework. The child went out for a play with his homework unfinished. With the boy leading us, we had no difficulty in finding his home. Computer,I think, is of vital importance in our daily life, which can make (making) us work effectively. 31.由于对他们谈话很好奇,所以他就坐在靠近他们的地方。 Because he was curious what they were talking about, he sat closer to them. Curious about what they were talking about, he sat closer to them. 主语从句 32.我们现在最需要的就是得到他的帮助。 33.他现在应该做的就是呆在家里等他妈妈下班回来。 What we are in great need of is to get help from him. What he is supposed to do is to stay at home ,waiting for his mother to come back from work. 表语从句 这就是他做告诉我要做的。 这就是他今天没来上学的原因。 这就是他要去的地方。 This is what he told me to do. That’s why he was absent from school today. That’s where he wants to go. With and without He likes learning with the window open. The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand. The teacher is giving a class with the boy standing outside. He went out for a play with his homework unfinished. With the boy to lead us, We had no difficulty in finding liming’s home 万能句型模板 用于开头的句型 With the rapid development of science and technology ,an increasing number of people come to realize that knowledge is power/a weak nation has no internatioal prestige/education is of vital importance) With the growing popularity of computers in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed. Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion about … is under way in China. Some people believe that…whereas others argue that… How can we succeed in a job interview? Different people have different opinion on this question. Some people believe that… 用于结尾的句型 From the graph)table,chart) listed above, it can be seen that… In a word, there is no time to be lost in solving the problem of air pollution. We must take some immediate and effective measures to control it. From


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