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中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志 2009年第 23卷第 6期 # 5 3# 1, 2a 1 2b 2a 1 2a 2b 2a 黄河 江洪 谭小军 曾建平 向晋涛 谢立强 李辉 孙智山 [] , , H is 62, 35 18, 6 [ 1Ó (AVB) ]Ñ AVB 5( 1Ó AVB, 2H is AH) 4 1Ò 1 5 3 40( ECG ),, 402 , 2Ó AVB Lenegre 7 Lenegre, , H is, Ó AVB [] ; ;; Lenegre 541. 7 A 1007- 2659( 2009)06- 0513- 04 1, 2a 1 2b 2a One fam ilial heritage of heart conduction block. HUANG He , JIANG Hong , TAN X iao-jun , ZENG Jian-ping , 1 2a 2b 2a X IANG Jin-tiao, XIE Li-qiang , LIHui , SUN Zh-ishan . 1 Department ofCardiology, enm ingHospitalofW uhan Un-i versity, Wuhan 430060, China; 2 a Department ofCardiology; b Genetic and Generation Center, X iangtan CenterHospital, X iangtan 411100, Hunan, China Corresponding author: JIANG Hong [ Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinicalmanifestation and electrocardiogram characteristics of one familial pa- tientsw ith heart conduction block and to discuss its potentialmechanism. M ethods Themembers of the family affected by conduction blockwere investigated. Their clinicalmanifestation, surface electrogram andH is bundle electrogram were an- alyzed. Results The fam ily had sixty-two members, eighteen affected individualsw ith autosomal dom inant transmission were identified in thirty-five physical exam ined cases. Therewere six affected individuals


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