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Say something new (exciting) about the new year(interesting things, important things, bad news, resolution, etc.) Say It Right 新编英语口语教程 Book Two Unit 2 Focus: Schedules and Appointments I. Introductory Remarks II. Some ways to improve your oral English 口语能力的自我评估与反馈 语音语调的自我评估 词汇和语法的自我评估 流利 程度的自我评估 内容和语义的自我评估 非语言技能的自我评估 自我评估与反馈的操作步骤 制作一张口语学习记录表 录音机录制语言使用任务的全过程—回答问题、复述故事、两人交谈、小组讨论、简短发言等。 重放录音数次,每次考察记录表的项目情况,记录下来。 练习逐一纠正错误。 与同学组成搭档,交换录音,在自我评估的基础上交叉评估。 口语学习自我评估与反馈表 没有同伴情况下的口语练习 模仿 朗读 复述 背诵 听与说的关系 这用英语怎么说 坚持写日记 Assignment Make a long-term schedule or a short-term one and make sure you can perform them smoothly. * * Green/ei/ million industry economy music economical 哪些单词发音或重音不准确 Willow we wind wear sweater /v/ she /x/ thick /s/ 哪些元音或辅音发音不准确 发音不太清楚 发音是否清楚自然 2分钟 录音时间 简短发言 任务 日期 To wear thick sweaters 哪些语音语调错误影响听者理解 And the/tree there But/in Ningbo 停顿是否准确 Cold hometown down important 是否有吞音或增音现象 Last year/a lot of 音的同化、省略、连读是否准确 A lot of / as we can see 音的强读或弱读是否准确 For Fun Enjoy some humor ? My husband and I used to promote our business by dropping advertising pamphlets(小册子)house to house. We usually walked together, once in a while splitting up and meeting again a few blocks down the road. One morning, however, we seemed to have lost each other. I stood on a corner for some time, then decided to track down my husband by following his pamphlet deliveries. After looking into four or five letter-boxes, I was met by a police officer who had obviously been observing my actions. Embarrassed, I approached him and blurted(不假思索地说), “Well, you see, I’m looking for my husband.” He raised an eyebrow and said”…” Can you guess what the police officer said? For Fun He said, “Does he usually hide in letter boxes?” Thank You!


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