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危害和措施确定了,后续要做什么? 2. 评价风险、制订控制措施 3. 作业许可和风险沟通 5. 总结和反馈 4. 落实措施及现场监控 1. 工作任务的审查 如果你一直做你以前所做的, 你将永远只能得到 像以前一样的结果 建立一个更安全的工作环境 需要我们共同努力!!! 谢谢! * * * * * * “A JSA is a three-step process. 1. Divide the job into observable steps; 2. Identify the potential hazards associated with each step; and 3. Specify control measures.” * * * * * * * * * * “What hazards can you think of for this step only? Consider the hazard categories like ‘struck by,’ and keep each statement brief.” [Leader – Pause and allow group to answer.] [The hazards listed below should be identified, although they may be worded differently. Also, the group may come up with other hazards which is acceptable as long as they are hazards, not controls and they apply to this step.] “Now what controls would your identify for each hazard? Remember, they must be specific and only for this step.” * “Note that the JSA may help you identify equipment needs as well.” “Any questions before you do your step with your group? Now begin to identify the hazards and controls for your step. Take about 5 minutes.” * “What hazards can you think of for this step only? Consider the hazard categories like ‘struck by,’ and keep each statement brief.” [Leader – Pause and allow group to answer.] [The hazards listed below should be identified, although they may be worded differently. Also, the group may come up with other hazards which is acceptable as long as they are hazards, not controls and they apply to this step.] “Now what controls would your identify for each hazard? Remember, they must be specific and only for this step.” * “Note that the JSA may help you identify equipment needs as well.” “Any questions before you do your step with your group? Now begin to identify the hazards and controls for your step. Take about 5 minutes.” * “What hazards can you think of for this step only? Consider the hazard categories like ‘struck by,’ and keep each statement brief.” [Leader – Pause and allow group to answer.] [The h


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