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rather than 连接两个主语时, 谓语动词的单复数应该与 rather than之前的一个保持一致. She rather than you is right . rather than常用于以下结构中: 宁愿… 而不愿 would do A rather than do B would rather do A than do B prefer to do... rather than do ... rather than 而不是,连接两个并列成分 Rather than___ on a crowded bus, he always prefers___ a bike. ride, ride B. riding, ride C. ride, to ride D. to ride, riding I would rather __ at home than ___ out on such a day. stay, go B. to stay, to go C. going, to go D. to stay, to go C A 6. Suddenly I saw some German soldiers by the light of the moon.突然我借着月光 看到一些德国士兵. by the light of the moon: 借助月光 7. To my surprise the entrance to the mine was closed.令我惊讶地是,煤矿 的入口被关闭了。 a. to one’s + n. 令人……地是 to one’s surprise/ amazement / joy/ delight /sorrow/ excitement / disappointment 使 某人惊讶/高兴/难过/兴奋 / 失望的是… the answer to….的答案 the key to….的钥匙/….的关键 b. the entrance to….的入口 8. I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.我高 度赞扬那些寻找琥珀屋的人。 think highly of:看重;器重;对…评价高 我们高度赞扬他的勇敢。 我对他评价不高,因为他经常撒谎。 We think highly of his bravery. I don’t think highly of him because he often tells lies. think well / highly / much of … 对…评价高 think bad / little / ill of … 对…评价低 被动语态: be well / highly / much thought of 被高度评价 我认为你的计划不怎么样。 I didn’t think well of you plan. You plan wasn’t well thought of by you. He ___ by the workers. was thought highly of B. thought highly of C. was high thought of D. was highly thought of * Unit 1 Cultural relics Using language 补充: 1、Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Being.重建丢失的 像琥珀屋,圆明圆这样的文化值得吗? re- 前缀,相当于“again”,表示“重;又;再” rewrite reread review reunion reconstruction 重写 重读 回顾;复习 重聚;团圆 重建 worth :值;有……的价值;值得(做)… be worth 钱 名词 doing ……值多少钱 ……值得…… ……值得被…… 用主动形式表示被动含义 a、be worth+钱 ……值多少钱 这本书值300美元。 This book is worth 300 dollars. 这本我昨天买的书值300美元。 This book that I bought is worth 300 dollars. b、be worth+名词


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