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共 99 页 必修5  Unit 1 Great scientists Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.A nurse _____________(照料) to his needs constantly. 2.Mr Smith is a __________(内科医师) in the hospital. 3.A scientific theory is the result of the _________ (科学的) method. 4.She doesnt want to _________ (暴露) herself to the public, because she is a shy girl. 5.Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious _____________(挑战) we face. 6.He drew a c_____________ after a lot of experiments. 7.Who is to b___________ for starting the fire? 8.A____________ from your spelling, your composition is rather good. 9.Have they a_____________ when the plane will take off? 10.You must be c_____________________ when crossing the street. Ⅳ.短文改错 Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor 1.______ sisters—in any other words, I am an only child. My parents 2.______ love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure 3.______ that I get a good education. They did not want me to do 4.______ any work at family; they want me to devote all my time to 5.______ my studies so that Ill get good marks in all my subject. We 6.______ may be one family and live under a same roof, but we do 7.______ not seem to get much time to talk about together. It looks 8.______ as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. Do they 9.______ really understand their own daughter? What things are like in other homes, I wonder. 10.______ 5. B。 只有完整家庭的人才被允许乘车。sb. be allowed to do sth.某人被允许去做某事。 6. C。 因为是在车站,所以这名女士是旅游的。 7. B。 pull sb. onto sp.把某人拉上什么地方。 8. A。 整个旅程中我都在哭泣,因为我想我的母亲。 9. B。 尸体乱扔,乱堆在街道上。litter vt.乱堆,乱扔。 10. C。 既然那名女士最终逃离了那个战火纷飞的村庄,她就不再需要我了。eventually 最终地,最后。 11. D。 other放在名词前做定语,表示“其他的”,这里讲的是“我”就像成千上万的其他的无家可归的孩子一样在街上流浪。 12. A。 我靠偷食物吃才幸存下来。survive 存活下来。 13. C。 但是我还是没有足够多的东西吃,所以我瘦得皮包骨头,快要饿死了。be close to n./doing sth快要,险些。 14. B。 讲美国军队的状况,big and healthy强大,健康。 15. B。 固定短语,steal into sp.偷偷溜进某地。 16. D。 根据常识判断,lift sb up by the collar抓住衣领把某人拉起来。 17. A。 我很恐惧,我也看到我的恐惧让他很难过。这是那个美国士兵给我巧克力吃的原因。 18. D。 take a bite 吃一口。 19. C。 巧克力的


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