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Today, with the quick pace of life, people usually do not have as much time to write letters as before. Again telephone solves the problem. Friends can chat through the electric line. It seems that telephone shortens the distance between people and men can keep in touch with each other more easily. From this point of view, telephone is one of the most wonderful inventions in the 20th century. 将不同的事物按其特性分类,根据不同的特点前说明某一主题,或对各类相似的事物进行描述,也是较常见的段落类型。例如: 2) 分类说明 People may have different attitudes toward criticism. Some people will become annoyed when exposed to criticism, and they will try to defend themselves by all means and even try to find faults of the others. Some people, however, tend to turn a deaf ear to criticism. In their eyes criticism is nothing but nonsense. But still some people think that criticism will enable them to be aware of shortcomings. They will be thankful to those who give criticism frankly. These people stand a good chance of success in their life. 3) 比较和对比 比较是对两个事物的相同点进行说明或描述;对照是针对两个事物的不同点给予说明或描述。无论是说明两个事物的相同点或不同点,均要求依次比较,以使读者对两个事物的相同或差别有清楚的了解。常用的结构有甲乙、甲乙或甲甲、乙乙两种方式。例如: There is an evident gap between the young and the old nowadays. The young people live in a new age completely different from the past. They accept new things and new ideas easily. They are deeply concerned with the present and the future. Whereas the older people like to talk about the “good old days” and don’t like to feel that their values and beliefs are questioned and threatened. They cannot understand why the young want to make changes in the conventional things and old systems. As a result, the old people think the young are not what they were, and most young people are unable to learn from the parents and elders who they will never be. 4) 原因与结果 四、六级作文通常要求考生在中间段落对某一事物或现象产生的原因或可能导致的结果进行分析和说明。如“大学生了解社会的必要性”,“我为什幺特别爱看某电视节目”,“为什幺说欲速则不达”,“为什么要有选择的读书”等等。因为事物的相关性和复杂性,有时一个结果可能有几种原因,而一个原因也可以产生几个结果。因此,在分析和说明对应综合考虑,尽量做到原因充分,结果完整。例如: Doing part-time jobs is beneficial to college stude
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