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翻译的美学价值 吕晓菲 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。(孟浩然 《春晓》) I slept in spring not conscious of the dawn, But heard the gay birds chattering all around, I remember, there was a storm at night. Pray, how many blossoms have fallen down? ( Translated by Robert Payne, 1947) Late! This spring morning as I awake I know. All round me the birds are crying, crying. The storm last night, I sensed its fury. How many, I wonder, are fallen, poor dear flowers! ( Translated by Weng Xianliang,1981) 昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。行道迟迟,载渴载饥。我心伤悲,莫知我哀。(《采薇》) At first, when we started on our track, The willows green were growing. And now, when we think of the journey back, ‘ T’ s raining fast and snowing. And tedious and slow the march will be, And food and drink will fail us. Ah, hard to bear is the misery! No one knows what grief assails us. (詹宁斯译) When I left here, Willows shed tear, I come back now, Snow bends the bough. Long, long the way; Hard,hard the day. Hunger and thirst Press me the worst. My grief o’erflows. Who knows, who knows? (许渊冲译) When we left long ago, The willows waved adieu. Now we come back at last, The snow falls thick and fast. The way gets worse and worst; We bear hunger and thirst. Our hearts are full of woe, Who does our sorrow know? (赵彦春译) The dress set off to perfection the seventeen-inch waist, the smallest in three counties, and tightly fitting basque showed breasts well matured for her sixteen years. a. 她的腰围不过十七英寸,穿着那窄窄的春衫,显得十分合身。里面紧紧绷着一件小马甲,使得她胸部特别隆起。她的年纪虽只十六岁,乳房却已十分成熟了。(傅东华译) b. 她的腰围不过十七英寸,是附近三个县里最细的了,而这身衣裳更是把腰肢衬托得恰到好处,再加上里面那件绷得紧紧的小马甲,她的虽然只有十六岁但已成熟了的乳房边跃然显露了。(戴侃,李野光译) c. 她的十七英寸的腰围,在附近三个县里算是最细的了,这身衣服把她的细腰束得尽善尽美,年方十六的她,乳房已经十分丰满,那紧而贴身的小马甲,更使其跃然显现。(毛荣贵译) Georgiana, the eldest, with her black ringlets, her flashing eyes, her noble aquiline profile, her swan-like neck, and sloping shoulders, was orientally dazzling. 大小姐芳名乔琪安娜,黑发卷卷,双眸明亮,侧面看去线条分明,雍容华贵,


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