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Global Distributor Code of Conduct 全球经销商行为准则 Coloplast’s success is based on quality, business integrity and responsible conduct that we expect from our employees and our contracted business partners. 康乐保的成功基于员工以及商业合作伙伴的良好素质,商业诚信以及负责任的行为。 This Global Distributor Code of Conduct sets forth Coloplast’s expectations in relation to a distributor relationship. It includes the UN Global Compact’s ten fundamental principles within areas of human rights, labour rights, environment and anti-corruption, which Coloplast endorses and works systematically to observe and promote. 此全球性的经销商行为准则设定了康乐保对经销商的要求。准则内容涵盖联合国全球契约 中有关:人权,劳动权利,环境和反腐败四个领域的十大基本原则。这些原则,被康乐保 公司认可,并持续、系统性的遵循和发扬。 This Global Distributor Code of Conduct applies to all distributors irrespective of country and territory, but if local laws, regulations or standards in the territory are stricter than the Global Distributor Code of Conduct, the distributor must always follow those stricter rules. 此经销商行为准则适用于所有国家以及地区的经销商。如果当地法律法规或者地区规范严 于此经销商行为准则,经销商应遵守更加严格的标准。 Section I – Business Integrity 第一部分- 商业诚信 Coloplast wants to be known as a trustworthy company that upholds high standards of ethical conduct. We achieve our business goals based on the quality of our products, our professional skills, and by acting with integrity in everything that we do, and opposing and fighting corruption and bribery in any form. 康乐保希望通过严格操守,诚信经营,成为一家值得信赖的公司。我们业绩目标的达成基 于高质量的产品,专业的技能和始终贯彻的诚信行为,我们反对并且抵制任何形式的贪污 腐败和行贿受贿。 1. Anti-corruption 反腐败 Coloplast is committed to conducting its business free from extortion, bribery and all unlawful, unethical or fraudulent activity. A distributor must not offer, give, promise or authorise any bribe, gift, loan, fee, reward or other advantage to any government official or employee, any customer, any Coloplast employee or any other person to obtain any business advantage or improperly influence any action or decision. The distributor must comply with all applicable local and in


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