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热处理生产线简介 Brief Introduction of Heat Treatment Production Line 一、 概述 Summary 我公司投资6000万元建设的油井管热处理生产线,设计生产能力10万吨/年,可以对各种规格、各种钢级的油井管实现淬火+回火、正火、正火+回火等多种热处理工艺。 We invested 60 million RMB for this tubing and casing treatment production line. Our annual is 100 thousand tons and we have many kinds of heat treatment technics for all kinds and specifications of tubing and casing, such as Quenching + Tempering, normalizing, normalizing+Tempering and so on. 钢级:J55、Q55、N80-1类、N80Q、P110以及抗腐蚀材料 L80和C95等。 Grade: J55, Q55, N80-1, N80Q, P110 and anti- cauterization material L80 , C95 and so on. 直径:Ф114.3-273mm Diameter: Ф114.3-273mm 外加厚油管两端的外径按APISPEC5CT标准 O.D of EUE tubing according to API SPEC 5CT Standard 长度:8-13M Length: 8-13M 壁厚:5.21-20.24mm Wall Thickness: 5.21-20.24mm 壁厚公差:+15%~-12.5% Wall Thickness Tolerance: +15%~-12.5% 钢管外径公差:±1% O.D Tolerance: ±1% 单根最大重量:1200KG Max Weight of Single Pipe: 1200 KG 二、 设备情况 Equipment Condition 热处理生产线配有步进式热处理炉、淬火机、矫直机和自旋式步进冷床,全线自动化控制水平高,热处理质量稳定可靠。 Our heat treatment production line is equiped Step-wise Heat Treatment Furnace, Quenching Machine, Straightening Machine and Self-spin Step-wise Colling Machine. The high level automatization control system ensures steady and first class heat treatment quality. 1、热处理炉 Heat treatment Furnace 步进式热处理炉以冷净煤气为燃料,采用德国施能烧嘴,炉内气氛易于控制,炉温可控制在±5℃以内。 Step-wise Heat treatment Furnace uses cold and clean coal gas as fuel, adopts Germany KROMSCHRODER Burner which could ensure the temperature in the furance less than ±5℃. 淬火炉和回火炉均采用步进梁式炉。装出料方式:侧进,侧出;炉子布料:单排连续布料或间隔布料。 Quenching Furance and Tempering Furance both adopt Step-wise Walking Beam Furance. Mode of Loading and unloading Material: Side Loading, Side unloading. Material Display in the Furance: Single Row Continuesly Display or Interval Display 活动梁和固定梁均为耐热铸钢,顶面带齿形面。每次步进时,钢管都能转动一角度,使钢管加热均匀,并防止在炉内弯曲变形。步进梁能进行正循环、踏步、等高、单动、点动、半自动、自动等功能,升降时对钢管轻托轻放,前进时缓起缓停,无振动冲击和失控现象。同时,具有等高及踏步功能,踏步时向钢管在原齿槽内不断转动。 Walking Beam and Fixed Beam both are fire-endurable cast steel with too


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