吸尘器EN60335-2-2_A11 2012标准更新通知.pdf

吸尘器EN60335-2-2_A11 2012标准更新通知.pdf

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吸尘器EN60335-2-2_A11 2012标准更新通知

Shanghai 标准更新通知 –EN60335-2-2/A11:2012 To: 吸尘器客户 Date: 2012-12-29 From: 欧陆检测技术服务(上海)有限公司 Total pages: 4 Object: EN60335-2-2 标准新要求 EN60335-2-2/A11:2012 Relative standard: 家用和类似用途器具安全 第 2-2 部分:真空吸尘器和吸水式清洁器的特殊要求 A11 修订 2013 年 07 月 09 号开始,吸尘器类产品标准 EN60335-2-2/A11:2012)新要求将开始实施; DOW: 2015 年 2 月 1 号之后,没有采用该 A11 标准的证书和报告将过期失效。 注:EN60335-2-2/A11:2012 是基于 EN60335-2-2:2010 版本的修订; 与原标准相比,增加或修改了以下几个方面内容: 一、 更新了说明书的相关要求 二、 增加了表面温度的考核要求 三、其他结构和测试要求 就以上几点,详细的介绍如下: 一、原通用标准和对应的特殊标准对说明书增加了相应的内容 7.12 需要增加以下语句: This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. If a vacuum cleaner can be equipped with a hand-held accessory with rotating parts a warning has to be given concerning entrapment. 如果吸尘器配有带旋转部件的手持式配件,需要有相应的警告语句加以说明。 The instructions for appliances having a current-carrying hose operating at other than safety extra low voltage shall include the substance of the following: 对于带有非安全特低电压供电的载流软管的器具,需要有以下的语句加以说明: CAUTION: This hose contains electrical connections: – do not use to suck up water (for vacuum cleaners only); – do not immerse in water for cleaning; – the hose should be checked regularly and must not be used if damaged. Contacts Eurofins – Shanghai Tel. 86-21 No. 395, West Jiangchang Road Fax 86-21 Shanghai, China info.SH@


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