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第 32 卷 第 6 期增刊 仪 器 仪 表 学 报 Vol.32 No.6 2011 年 6 月 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument Jun. 2011 基于TDC-GP2 的激光测距系统设计 李玉株 肖 江 黄丽燕 刘 君 (北京林业大学北京市 海淀区 清华东路 35 号) 摘 要:为解决激光测距系统普遍存在成本高、稳定性差等问题, 设计了一个基于 TDC-GP2 计时单元,以飞行时间 TIME-OF-FLIGHT (TOF )法中的脉冲激光测距法来实现激光测距的系统。应用低功耗 Atmega128 单片机和低成本的 SPLPL90_3 作为激光发射管,实现了激光的发射, 并采用 OSRAM 公司生产的 SFH203PFA 作为激光探测器,将光信号转换为 电流信号,经过放大、滤波等进一步处理后,通过TDC-GP2 计时,从而实现激光测距。它不需要用高压来供电,增加了系 统的稳定性。经试验证明,该系统在要求测量范围(50m )内,测量精度可以达到0.01m 。为汽车间距测量和机器人避障等 领域中问题提供可行的测量距离的方法。 关键词:TDC-GP2 激光测距 飞行时间 SPLPL90_3 SFH203PFA 。 Design of laser rangefinder System based on the TDC - GP2 Li Yuzhu Xiao Jiang Huang Liyan Liu Jun (Beijing forestry university, Beijing, haidian district number 35, tsinghua road) Abstract :Aiming at solving the problems of high cost, poor stability existed in Laser rangefinder system. A system is designed based on TDC - GP2 timing unit and FLIGHT TIME - - a FLIGHT (TOF) method to implement laser ranging system, which uses the low-power AVR atmega128 microcontroller and the low-cost SPLPL90_3 as laser tube to realize the launch, and the approach of the SFH203PFA as laser detector the laser OSRAM company produced. And the laser rangefinder is realized via further treatment TDC - GP2, the optical signals are converted to current signal, amplified, filtering, after. Without the high pressure to power supply, it increases the stability of the system. Experiments show that the measurement accuracy of this system at requirements measurement range (50m) can reach 0.01 m. It provides feasible method to measure the distance for actual operation such as automobile distance measurement and robot obstacle avoidance fields. Key words :TDC-GP2 Laser r


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