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第 38 卷第 4 期 2014 年 7 月人口研究Vol. 38, No. 4July2014 人口流迁63Population Research进城务工人员的住房变动及其影响因素*———基于十二城市问卷调查的实证分析王玉君杨文辉刘志林【内容摘要】进城务工人员的住房与城市融入已成为中国大规模城市化进程中的重要社会问题。大量文献已探讨了务工人员在城市住房市场与住房政策中的弱势地位,但多对影响务工人员住房条件的制度与个体因素开展静态分析。文章考察务工人员城市住房来源的动态变化趋势,以及影响这种住房变动的制度和个体因素,试图揭示在市场和制度的双重排斥下,进城务工人员拓展住房选择和融入城市社会的微观机理。基于十二城市流动人口问卷调查数据的统计分析发现: 单位宿舍和借住亲友住房是进城务工人员第一个固定住房的主要来源,但多数务工人员会逐步转向市场住房; 住房变动的概率受到居住年限、迁移类型、定居意愿、社会资本、教育程度、工作单位类型等因素显著影响。【关键词】进城务工人员; 住房来源; 市场住房; 城市融入【作者简介】王玉君,中国人民大学社会与人口学院讲师,北京: 100872; 杨文辉,清华大学公共管理学院公共学院硕士研究生; 刘志林,清华大学公共管理学院副教授。Determinants of Changes in Housing Sources for Migrant Workers in Urban China: An Empirical Study Based on a Twelve-city Migrant SurveyWang YujunYang WenhuiLiu ZhilinAbstract: Housing for migrant workers has become a major social challenge to the large-scale urbanization in China. Many studies have demonstrated housing disadvantages of temporary migrants in that migrants have limited access to both market-based housing due to their economic conditions and government-sponsored affordable housing due to their official residency ( hukou) . In particular,much literature has analyzed institutional and individual factors of migrant housing conditions. This paper,however,investigates the extent to which migrant workers are able to move from employer-provided dorms or housing provided by social ties to market-based housing while working and living in cities,and institutional and individual factors contributing to such changes. Statistical analysis using data derived from a twelve-city migrant survey shows that,whereas most migrant workers live in dorms from employers and housing from social ties upon moving to cities,many of them gradually move to rent or even purchasing housing from formal and informal housing markets. The odds of such change are significantly influenced by factors such as years of working in the city,types of migration,willingness to permanently settle in the city, migrant social capital,education and types ofDanwei .Keywords: Mig


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