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目录 论重婚的认定处理 1 内容摘要 1 关键词 1 一、重婚在我国的研究现状 2 (一)全部否定说 2 (二)部分肯定说 2 (三)全部肯定说 3 二、重婚的概念和特征 3 (一)重婚的概念 3 (二)重婚特征 4 三、我国重婚的认定处理情况 5 (一)民事法律认定处理情况 5 (二)刑事法律认定处理情况 6 四、我国重婚认定处理存在的问题 7 (一)刑事法律方面 7 (二)民事法律方面 9 五、提出解决对重婚认定处理存在问题的对策(完善相关立法) 10 (一)完善相关刑事法律规定 10 (二)完善相关民事法律规定 11 六、结语 12 参考文献 13 论重婚的认定处理 【内容摘要】现今随着经济的发展、自由的进步,开放度的提高,西方国家婚恋观给我国人们的生活观念带来了很大影响,重婚案件近些年来一直呈现上升趋势,对于重婚与否的认定会产生适用民事、刑事何种法律的纷争及适用追究何种责任的纠纷。在我国,严重的重婚行为又是刑法明确规定的犯罪行为,无论适用刑事法律还是民事法律,重婚者要承担相应的法律责任。本文将以当下我国重婚的认定现状及现行法律规范为依据,研究我国重婚认定与处理的现状,以发现存在问题为基础进行相关思考,进而提出采取相关措施来完善,可以进一步解决相关司法制度层面存留的弊端。 【关键词】重婚;民事责任;刑事责任;措施 The cognizance of the theory of bigamy 【 abstract 】Since Chinas reforming and opening up, with the development of economy, the progress of freedom, to domestic with abroad opinions about love brought impact on peoples ideology.Bigamy cases present ascendant trend in recent years has been, for the cognizance of bigamy or not will produce what legal disputes and the suitable applicable civil and criminal disputes shall be investigated for the responsibility. Bigamy endanger our country monogamy, has violated the socialist ethics, has affected the family stability, but also triggered a series of social problems. Bigamy is defined crime of criminal law, therefore, correct understanding of bigamy shall be legally and in practice. Bigamist should bear the corresponding legal responsibility, including criminal liability and civil liability, especially the establishment of the system of civil liability for damages on give a bigamist with strong sanctions. This paper will present the cognizance of bigamy in our country present situation and the existing legal norms as the basis, research present status of bigamy cognizance and treatment, on the basis of the problems found in thinking, and put forward relevant measures to improve, can further solve the disadvantages of the related legal system level, it is also the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious society in our


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