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第 27 卷第 3 期 冶 金 分 析 Vol . 27 , No . 3
2007 年 3 月 Met allur gical Analysi s March , 2007
( )
文章编号 :1000 - 757 1 2007 03 - 0006 - 07
Onl ine gas analysis to converter
———appl ication of timeoffl ight
ma ss spectrometer
SH EN Xuej ing 1 , WAN G Haizhou 1 , YAN Yuexiang1 ,
HU Shaocheng1 , WU J ingli1 , FU Bo2 , L I Yiduo2
( 1. Cent ral Iron St eel Research In stit ut e , Beij ing 100081 ,China ;
2 . St eel Factory , L aiwu Iron and St eel Co . , L t d . , L aiwu 27 1100 ,China)
Abstract : A n o nline ga s analy si s sy st em ba sed on t he timeofflight ma ss sp ect ro met er ha s
app lied to a 60ton convert er for auto matically monitorin g st eelmaking p roce ss at L aiw u Iron
and St eel Co . , L t d . in China . The wor king p rincip le and p erfor mance charact eri stic of t he
timeofflight ma ss sp ect ro met er have been int ro duced in t hi s p ap er . The con st ruction , in
st allation layout and t he connection s wit h ot her p ro duction equip ment s of t he convert er and
t he p erfor mance realized in sit u of t he online ga s analy si s sy st em have al so been p re sent ed .
Fro m t he dat a of lar ge number of t he melting p roce sse s of t he co nvert er , t he relativit y be
t ween t he melting curve ba sed on ga s analy si s re sult s obt ained by t he above mentioned analy
si s sy st em and t he p ro duction p roce ss of t he convert er wa s