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词语的英译 —1.词义的分类 2.汉英词义的关系 3.词的种类 1.词义的分类 types of word’s meaning Denotative meaning: (指称意义,概念意义) Connotative meaning:(内涵意义) Stylistic meaning(文体意义,风格意义) Affective meaning (情感意义) Reflective meaning (联想意义) Collocative meaning (搭配意义) 指称意义的理解与表达: 我的表不准,每天快十多分钟。 时间过得真快! 情人节快到了。 这把刀很快。 My watch doesn’t keep good time. It gains more than ten minutes a day. How time does fly! Valentine’s Day is near. Or: Valentine’s Day is at hand. Or: Valentine’s Day is drawing near. The knife is really sharp. (*The knife is swift.) 蕴含意义的理解和表达 他是个纸老虎。 咱们俩的事,一条绳上拴着两条蚂蚱---谁也跑不了。 We are like two grasshoppers tied to one cord, neither can get away. 这似乎是瞎子点灯白费蜡。 It seemed as useless as a blind man lighting a candle. 练习应用: 说来话长。 It is a long story. 他的名字我一时说不上来。 I can’t recall his name at the moment. 你连续三天没交作业,这可说不过去。 You have failed to hand in your exercises for three days in a row. It is really inexcusable. 他两岁就学会看表了。 He could tell the time even when he was two. 我能看出你在想什么。 I can read your mind. 那是万万不行的。 That is absolutely out of question. 我万万没有想到。 The idea never occurred to me . 那位司机听不懂我的话。 That driver couldn’t understand me. 他懂礼貌。 He has good manners. 干部必须懂政策。 Cadres must have a good grasp of policies. 买大包装的吧,便宜多了。 Buy the economical size(economy-size). It’s a lot cheaper. 汉语词语的蕴含意义主要体现在: 1.修辞色彩:多表现在语言形式上,以叠词为例 2.文体特征:庄谐,雅俗之分 3.文化内涵: 修辞之叠词1: 叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。 The leaves, jostling and overlapping, produced as it were, a wave of deep green.(王俶升译) 另外还要注意汉语中数词的表达: 1).实指 一气呵成: at one sitting 一面之词: one-sided story 三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达。 Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked. 2).虚指 那是万万不行的。 That is absolutely out of question. 一目十行: read terribly fast 一刀两断: break off relationship with 文体特征: 在我的后院,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。 Behind the wall of my backyard you can see two trees. One is a date tree, the other is also a date tree. (杨宪益,戴乃迭译) 汉英词义关系 1).词义相符(semantic correspondence) 2).词义相异(seman


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