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LESSON 11 One good turn deserves another Lesson 8 A famous monastery monastery n.寺院,(男)修道院 convent /nunnery nun –monk 《Sound of music》 《音乐之声》 《Sister act》 《修女也疯狂》 st. 1)saint Saint Valentine’s Day 圣瓦伦丁节 2)strait Taiwan Strait 3)street 马路 the Wall Street 华尔街 pass n.关隘 (a place that is difficult to cross) come to a pretty pass 陷入困境 come to a nice pass come to a fine pass 对顶修饰 a dead living 虽生犹死 a living death Shakespeare : 《Romeo and Juliet》 -Parting is such a sweet sorrow. enclosure n. 1)围场,圈地 enclose v. en- 动词前缀 encourage endanger enslave -The mountains were enclosed by mist. 2) enclosure n.(信中的)附件 rashly adv.莽撞地,冒失地 make a decision rashly rash adj. make a rash decision n.皮疹 skin rash heat rash 痱子 drug rash privacy n.清静,隐居 - I don’t want my privacy to be disturbed. n.隐私 individual privacy right of privacy skier n. 滑雪者 skiing sleigh 雪橇 snowboarding 滑雪板 skateboard 滑板 slide(show) 幻灯片 Text: (L1)The Great St .Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2470 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. connect v.连接 connect to/with -A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him. 辨: connect v.连接(万能) contact n./v. 与人联系 keep in contact / lose contact with sb. eye contact contact lenses relate v.联系(抽象) -犯罪率的上升和失业率上升紧密相连。 -The rise in crimes relates closely to the increase in unemployment. (L4)The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass. (L6) These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times. (L7) Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty. (L10)During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars


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