
托福英语阅读材料:Hidden Hunger.pdf

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托福英语阅读材料:Hidden Hunger

智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福英语阅读材料:Hidden Hunger 是不是填饱肚子以后就不会感到饥饿了呢?这篇托福英语阅读材料 要告诉我们的是填饱肚子之后的另一种饥饿——对营养的饥饿。   This refers not to the overt and obvious hunger of poor people who are unable to afford enough to eat, but to a more insidious type caused by eating food that is cheap and filling but deficient in essential vitamins and micronutrients. A World Health Organisation report pointed out recently that this problem is widespread, in particular in the Third World, where families may fill themselves with cheap rice, say, but be unable to afford the fruit, vegetables and meat needed to provide a balanced diet. A related cause is that some of the “green revolution” crops of the 1960s and 1970s that were created specifically to reduce starvation are often short of nutrients such as zinc, iron and vitamin A. The term hidden hunger is not often found outside specialist journals and is more common in news agency copy than in newspapers and magazines: at some point along the road to publication the phrase is blue-pencilled by sub-editors who regard it as jargon. It is sometimes also employed as a general term for the extreme poverty that can exist undetected or unacknowledged in developed countries; it has appeared in this sense in the USA and New Zealand in recent years. 隐形饥饿并不是指没有钱买足够食物的人经历的显而易见的饥饿, 这是一种潜在的饥饿形式,由吃大量且便宜但是缺乏必要的维生素和微 量元素的食物引起。世界卫生组织指出目前隐形饥饿分布很广,特别是 在第三世界国家。那里的家庭仅用一些便宜的米饭来填饱肚子,承担不 起必要的水果蔬菜和肉类来平衡饮食。相关的缘由是20世纪60.70年代 绿色革命产生的 旨在减少饥饿的农作物往往缺乏诸如锌、铁以及维生素 A的营养成分。隐形饥饿一词除了在专业期刊以外很少使用,并且在通 讯社原稿中更普通而不是在报纸和杂志中 :在出版发行的某个时刻 ,这 个词语被把他视为专业术语的副编辑修正过。在发达国家,这个词语也 作为一般术语使用,来描述不被发现和承认的赤贫状态。近几年 ,在美 国的新西兰这个词语以此意义出现。   Hidden hunger is unlike the hunger that comes from a lack of food. It is a chronic lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs, so that people who suffer from it may not even be aware of it. Its consequences are nevertheless disastrous: hidden hunger can lead to mental


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