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Michael Wolf
Pulp Friction
Every second, 1 hectare of the worlds rainforest is destroyed. Thats equivalent to two football
fields. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year, that adds up to 31 million
hectares -- more than the land area of Poland. This alarming rate of destruction has serious
consequences for the environment; scientists estimate, for example, that 137 species of plant, insect
or animal become extinct every day due to logging. In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen
rainforest valleys have been clearcut, 142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the
habitats of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Logging, however,
provides jobs, profits, taxes for the gove rnment and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so
the government is reluctant to restrict or control it.
Much of Canadas forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the
Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the worlds wood pulp and 49% of
its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests
could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by
agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp.
Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre which can
be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For centuries, it was essential to the
economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing
ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading network would not have
been feasible without hemp. Nowadays, ships cables are usual
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