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海 洋 石 油
: 1008- 2336(2010) 02- 0067- 05
NP Ed1
1 1 1 2
卫 玮 , 颜晋川, 刘 斌 , 范 青
( 1. , 618000;
2. , 618000)
: 酸化是解除该类储层伤害, 恢复提高油气井产能最主 的手段对于各种特定的伤害类型若仅采用笼统的酸
化措施, 往往难以取得理想的增产效果, 如何从伤害机理的角度出发对症解除污染是研究者面临的重 课题NP 油田
Ed1 储层在以往的酸化改造中, 由于对钻井泥浆伤害机理认识不够准确, 导致酸液选择存在较大的盲目性, 严重影响解
堵效果为解决上述问题, 提出酸化解堵设计方法, 通过泥浆固相粒度和滤液红外波谱分析试验评价, 明确了Ed1 储层
钻井泥浆伤害产生的机理在此基础上, 设计在同一组试验内先模拟泥浆伤害的产生, 发现岩心伤害后渗透率降低至基
准渗透率的0. 12 倍, 然后比较评价不同类型的酸液解除该类泥浆污染的能力, 最终筛选出解堵效果最好的4% 多氢酸体
: ; ; ; ;
: E121. 3 1 :A doi: 10. 3969/ j.issn. 1008- 2336.2010.02. 067
Comprehensive evaluation on drilling mud damage in Ed1 reservoir of
NP Oilfield and study on plug removal technique
1 1 1 2
Wei Wei , Yan Jinchuan , Liu Bin , Fan Qing
( 1. E ngineer ing Tech nology I nst it ute of SI N OPE C Southw est Oil Gas Comp any , Deyang 618000
2. E ng ineer ing Mon itor ing Center of SIN OPE C Southw est Oil Gas Comp any , Deyang 618000)
Abstract:Acidizing is the main measure to get rid of the reservoir damage and improves the oil gas well
productivity. For each specific type of damage, it is very difficult to achieve the desired stimulation result if
using a general acidizing method. herefore, it is an important issue to acidize specifically according to the
reservoir damage mechanisms. Due to the poor understanding about the damage mechanism of drilling mud
on Ed1 reservoir of NP Oilfield before this study, unsuitable acidizing fluid has been chosen, which
affecting seriously the effect o