
托福阅读背景材料 开车太慢也危险.pdf

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托福阅读背景材料 开车太慢也危险

智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福阅读背景材料 开车太慢也危险 开车慢点就一定安全么?答案是不一定。今天的新托福阅读资料我 们就来聊聊慢速开车的危害。那么在托福阅读考试中,了解阅读材料的 背景,对同学们答题是非常有帮助的,下面我们来看看关于开车快慢的 安全问题。 Slow drivers are among most dangerous on roads and cause crashe.Slow drivers are one of the biggest dangers on the road and should be treated like speeders, a report says.Nearly a third of motorists have had a near miss caused by someone travelling slowly. 慢速前行的司机是道路上最危险的因素之一并且会容易引发撞车事 故。一篇报道称:慢性子司机是道路上最危险的因素之一,也必须像处 理超速者一样对待。将近三分之一的司机由于慢速司机差点出了车祸。 明明看的懂全文,却抓不住重点,这里给你答案 满分名师免费试听课预约 These drivers create such frustration that six out of ten motorists feel stress rise and about half are tempted to undertake.It has led to calls for a crackdown on slow drivers including the setting of minimum limits or evenslow speed cameras. 这些司机会产生这样的沮丧感 ,十分之六的司机会感到压力上升 , 有一半司机试图尝试去“接受”。它呼吁打击慢行司机,包括调到最低 速度的人或者甚至是慢速的 “照相机”。 Transport Department figures show 143 accidents a year are caused directly by slow drivers. 交通部门的数据表明每年有143个事故是直接由慢行司机引起的。 The report notes: In reaction to these slow drivers, almost half (45%) of motorists risk overtaking, thus increasing the chances of an accident.Although minimum speed limits are enforced on some UK motorways, there are few preventative measures that are used widely. 这篇报道指出: “对于这些慢行司机,几乎45%的司机会冒险超车 ,这反而增加了发生事故的概率。”尽管一些英国高速公路上执行着最 低车速限制 ,但并没有一些广泛使用的保护措施。 In 2011 the government introduced a scheme which allows for £100 on-the-spot fine for careless driving-including those that drive too slow, though there is little evidence of this being taken seriously by the authorities. 在2011年 ,政府出台了一个计划 ,对不小心驾驶的司机允许收取1 00英镑的罚款 ,这其中也包括驾驶速度过慢的司机,尽管有很小的迹象 表示当局会正式的执行这个计划。 More than a quarter (27 per cent) of drivers questioned want an explicit slow lane on roads to combat slow drivers.Hot-spots for low middle lane hogs include the main A3 road between Surrey and Hampshire and the capital.


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