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5. The story tells us that _____ . A. a bottle and a bowl are very important B. nothing is difficult if you try to do it C. it is better to be poor D. money is very important 【解析】选B。由文中的句子There is nothing difficult for us to do in the world. That is to say, if we do it, the difficult thing will be easy; if we don’t, the easy thing will be difficult. 可知“只要努力,就没有困难的事”。 (B) Mr. Grey was the manager(经理) of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office if it was not raining,because it gave him some exercises. One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger(陌生人) stopped him and said to him, “ You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without any money in my pocket(口袋). I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend(借) me some money, and you lent me five pounds (英镑), because you said that you were happy to take a chance(机会)so as to give a man a start on the road to success. ” Mr. Grey thought for a few moments and then said, “ Yes, I remember you. Go on(继续) with your story. ” “ Well, ” answered the stranger, “ are you still willing to take a chance? ” 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 6. Mr. Grey walked to his office only when it was raining. ( ) 【解析】F。由文中的句子He liked walking from the station to his office if it was not raining. . . 可知“不下雨时才步行去办公室;而不是下雨才步行去”。 7. Mr. Grey walked because it helped him in good health (健康). ( ) 【解析】T。由文中的句子He liked walking from the station to his office if it was not raining,because it gave him some exercises. 可知“他步行去是有益健康的”。 8. Mr. Grey had stopped the stranger some years ago. ( ) 【解析】F。由短文内容可知“是陌生人拦住他,而不是他拦住陌生人”。 9. The stranger had still been poor since then. ( ) 【解析】T。由短文最后一句话可知“陌生人一直都很穷”。 10. Now the stranger wanted to give Mr. Grey his money back. ( ) 【解析】F。由短文最后一句话可知他想继续借钱而不是还钱。 (C)


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