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30 5 Vol. 30,No. 5 2008 10 PETROLEUM GEOLOGY EXPERIMENT Oct., 2008 : 1001- 6112( 2008) 05- 0478- 06 ) ) ) 腾格尔, 秦建中, 付小东, 李 武, 饶 丹, 张美珍 ( , 214151) : , , , , , ) , : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; :T E122. 11 : A BASIC CONDITIONS OF MARINE HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION IN NORTHWEST SICHUAN BASIN ) HIGH GUALIT SOURCE ROCKS T enger, Qin Jianzhong, Fu Xiaodong, Li Wu, Rao Dan, Zhang Meizhen ( Wux i Research I nstitute of Petroleum Geology , Ex p loration and P roduction Research I ns titute, SIN OPEC, Wux i, iangsu 214151, China) Abstract: The prospecting degreeof oil and gas is low and basicresearch about conditions of hydrocarbon accumulation is weak. Based on comprehensive study of regional geology, conditions of hydrocarbon for- mation, organic geochemistry and petrology, the developmental conditions of marinehydrocarbon in the north sector of Longmenshan structural belt were discussed. There were fair source rocks for hydrocar- bon generation, mainly including muddy source rocks of Qiongzhusi and Dalong Formations and carbo- nate source rocks of Qixia and Maokou Formations. But the Devonian source rocks were limited in terms of their distribution. There was no qualified source rocks in the Ordovician- Silurian. It underwent large scale of hydrocarbon migration, accumulation and late destruction in the Longmenshan belt. Ana- lysis of this process may be helpful for marine petroleum exploration. Based on geological data, it was predicted that there w



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